"Same Dream"

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Third Person POV

Grayson and Ethan decided to go stay in New Jersey for 2 weeks. It been a long fucking Saturday and all Ethan and Grayson wanted to do is sleep. Grayson is sleeping in child hood bed room.

Until Grayson is a woken by Ethan screaming and crying "NO...NO STOP"
Grayson bursts into Ethan's room as soon as Ethan screams "NO!" jolting awake. Grayson jumps into the bed and holds Ethan while he is shaking nonstop.

Grayson finally asked him a question he already had a answer for "Same Dream" Ethan doesn't respond just nodding in return. Grayson already felt  tears welding up in his eyes.


About a year and six months ago Ethan got into a horrible motorcycle accident. He only had a six percent chance of surviving. Luckily he survived the wreck. Sadly every thing comes with a fucking price, in return Ethan has had terrible nightmares ever since then.

But something happened between Ethan and Grayson in that hospital. Grayson has been wanting to talk about it but its not a good time. Grayson still wonders does he think about it sometimes.

Hello gorgeous people this is my new and first book it might be shit and trash,maybe both..well enjoy💖

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