"I Had To Tell You"

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Three weeks later

Ethan is still in the hospital. About seven days ago Ethan's doctor told us some terrible news. "Ethan only has a six percent of surviving, sorry it looks like hes not going to make it." Once the doctor exited the room my mom started to cry in my dad's arms.It felt like I was stuck,frozen..trapped and I couldn't move. Somehow Cameron sees me frozen saying "Oh my god come here Grayson" walking towards wrapping me in her arms while I cry into them.

I stayed by Ethan's side ever since for two days straight holding his hand. I noticed Cameron twisting starting to understand she has to pee like right now. Plus I'm pretty sure heard my mom's stomach gruggle. I looked at her with sad eyes while she was staring at Ethan like he was going to wake up right now. Eventually I speak up.

"Mom..Dad go eat something please." She shakes her head still staring at Ethan. She doesn't bugde just replying with "No I'm going to be here when he wakes up." "Mom,Dad please go eat!" Now they're looking me in the eyes "Go eat."They both giving up standing up walking out to the cafeteria. Seconds later Cameron running down the hall in bathroom, now I was alone with Ethan.

Suddenly I was close to crying I calmed down some. I started to talk to Ethan has if he can hear me, "Ethan you might not like me back in that way but I had to tell you how much I love you!" Before I knew it I was a few inches from Ethan's face, then I leaned in and kissed him gently and slowly. I know this is bad but... I actually don't have a excuse.

Almost minutes later his heart rate started to increase but it did not slow down. I screamed for the doctors, they all rushing in with Mom,Dad and Cameron. I hug my knees crying horrible words repeating in my head," This is your fault!" "You shouldn't have kissed him!" "Your killing your brother!" "Murder Murder!"

Now I am starting to believe those words.

Hey gorgeous people! It gets better just I update everyday!ENJOY💖

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