The Letter

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Grayson POV

"A fucking Year and two months!" I yell I turn to Ethan only to see him pacing back and forth. He stops  looks  at the floor then at me. "Grayson come here" He pulls me into a hug "What if it makes our relationship weaker?"

"Put we'll go to jail, I don't like to see you in a orange jumpsuit. Ok fuck it " We say looking at our parents😖. " In three days Ethan will go with your father." She says looking at me " In three days Grayson will just stay here." Our father says looking at Ethan.

Ethan doesn't say anything cause hes to busy clenching his jaw to point all his teeth were going break from the hard impact. I grab his hand and squeeze it he looks at me "breath" I mouth. He nods " get the hell out of our house!" He states pointing to the door with just exhaustion and frustration.

As soon they leave Ethan walks away then out of no where he punchs the  wall and yells. I grab his hand and pull him on the couch "Let me make you feel better baby..ok" he smiles"ok" I sit on his lap I start to leave fresh hickeys on his neck.

He stops me and starts to suck on my sweet spot "Ethan" I moan he squeezes my ass "Ethan fuck" I arch my back and grind my hips on his crotcg he also moans "Grayson do that again" which I do. He sucks again much harder I tug on his hair. Our parents barge in again.

Ethan POV

"Also we forgot.." "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" Lisa screams. I didn't care I kept doing what I was doing and Grayson was still moaning not giving a damn."I'm making out with him what does it look like I'm doing" I say to Lisa. I stop and look at our parents with a smile. (😊)

They were pissed but it was funny. I wrap Grayson's leg around my waist and start walk to our bedroom. I stop and yell "You know your way out" I raise my hand up and flip them off.
    Tomorrow I leave Grayson its so hard because I just got him to be mine. But how slick I am I have this letter and video in the guest room that our parents and him don't know about. But the thing is he won't receive it until a week has gone pass.

Dear Grayson,

"You mean the world to me and even if I have to do a year and two months to prove it. I wish I could fuck you, cuddle you, tell you how much I love you until your tired of me, tell you bad pick lines. Baby if you get lonely without me go press 'PLAY' on the video in the guest room. I love you with everything in me sorry you had to receive this until now.Grayson always remember...
I Never Stopped Loving You.❤

We already had everything packed but its so hard to leave someone you love. We walk outside our parents hasn't pulled up yet. I pull Grayson into me I kiss him passionately "I'm going miss you baby" he pulls me in again this turns into a heated make out. We made out it was the most painful one. Even though we heard car doors slam we kept going.

"That's enough of that" I flipped him off still kissing Grayson. I walk to the front door "where the hell are you guys going?!" I stopped looked at them thinking of what to say. "I'm going to fuck the hell outta him then we may leave." I say rolling my eyes at the end.

We came back outside they were leaning against the car hood mad I just chuckled at how stupid they looked. I kissed Grayson one last time. "I love you don't forget that" I get in the car with my dad and while we drive I seen Grayson in the back seat window it made my heart erupt.

It was the worst pain I have ever felt. "Why the fuck am I doing this dumb shit?" Its felt like rose horns kept stabbing my aching heart its like it doesn't end. Someone make it stop please I love him to much please! Its like the wind stopped blowing and the waves stopped moving and I'm
fighting love and my lover. It hurts to much! I put on my hoodie and pull the laces tying it silently watching the trees go by.

Hi gorgeous people sorry it was kind of sad but humorous at same time but have a blessed night,day... whatever.Can't wait for you guys to read Don't Fight It! Ok ENJOY💖

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