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Ethan POV

I woke up to Grayson leaving love bites on my sweet spot. "Mmm what are you doing mmm?" I asked enjoying being woken up like this.

"I'm pleasuring you, I can stop if you want me to." He responds stopping "Please don't" and with that he went lower and lower and started to suck me so good I was shaking with pleasure.

"Hmm Mmm don't.." "Hmmm Mmm please please don't stop!" I put the pillow over my face and I was digging my nails into the mattress. This was the best fucking blow job I've ever gotten.

Then I was already on the verge of cuming then he started humming and I came but he kept sucking. Then he came up with a pop sound. "Fuck..Fuck..Fuck that felt so damn good." I was shaking with so much pleasure. I tried to catch my breath.

He just walked into the bathroom not responding. I hear him brush his teeth and hop into the shower. I brush my teeth and hop in with him. " Why did you wake me up like that?, I mean I loved it I'm still shaking a little" I ask.

"I did that because we finally made love and kind of what you said last night." he says smiling. He steps out and drys off. We walk out into the living room to see folded up blankets with a note on one of the folded blankets.

Hi Ethan or Grayson we left because our crazy ass parents said if didn't come home then they'll report us to the police and if they report us then they'll add another three months to the time that Jason is not allow to see Derek. So sorry we left so soon.
                                          -Mercy love u❤

"Oh my, fucking parents are so damn annoying like I can't" Grayson says. We walk outside into the Grayson's car and he unlocked his phone. He looked up not looking at me just looking ahead. "You read all of them didn't you?" "Yep" "Are you mad at me?" "Of course..not" "Your not?" Grayson says looking at me with a surprise expression.

"Why not?" "Because if he touches you he's going to be screaming for me to kill him" I tell him honestly. He just stares trying to see if I'm joking but I'm not.

Grayson POV

I smile loving him even more. Then someone knocked on his car window. I jumped a little, I rolled down my car window. "Um I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" One out of three our neighbors standing at my window says "No its fine..what do you guys need to talk about?" I ask. They all look at each other looking scared.

"Someone was in your tree last night watching you guys and we didn't say anything because they ran into their car and drove away." Ms.Brown says showing nothing but guilt and fear. "I couldn't tell if it was a girl or boy, they had on all black." Mr.Nevaeh says

"Oh..thank you for telling us and it's not your fault I would be just as frightened." I say trying to push some guilt off their sweet souls. "Your both so sweet. We have to be going now. If we see him again then we'll let you know." Mr. Nevaeh says "Yeah thank you so much. If you need anything from us just knock on our door. I hope you all have a beautiful day." Ethan says sweetly and Mr. Jones nods.

I start the car and begin to drive not even knowing where I'm going. "Wait Mr.Nevaeh said 'if we see him'," "Yeah so" "Yeah everyone else said they didn't the gender but.." "But...Oh Mr.Nevaeh saw Nate but he said he didn't see the gender, but he just said he soooo" "So lets go question Mr.Nevaeh" "Baby your so damn smart." I say kissing him "I try" he says blushing.

Mr.Nevaeh POV

(its not Hayden's dad)

I walk back into the house and get the walkie talkie that Hayden got me to communicate if anything went wrong or if the plan was going as planned. "I did my part Hayden over 480" I say into the walkie talkie.

It's been forty minutes and Hayden hasn't paged back. " Hayden answer asshole Hayden over 480!" I say once again for the fifth time. "Hayden fucking answer m-" I was interupted by a knock at the door. I got into character "Yes who is it?" "Just open the door!" A manly but really fucking scary voice practically shouting at me

Fear immediately invaded my veins. It felt like I was overdosing with fear. My body is shaking with terror "Who is it?" I say in my old man impression "Open the damn door or I'll open it.... my way!" The unknown man said with violence in his voice. "Please just tell me who you are!" I say not even caring if I didn't speak in my old man impression.

"Kyle answer me Kyle answer Kyle over 580"

Hi gorgeous people so this book is coming to a end. You might be confused of how Kyle did the disguise. If you watched the disguise prank:Dolan Twins. So Kyle did that molding disguise.

P.S. After this chapter I'm going to be gone for a month or shorter and I'm gonna write the last few chapters and publish them all. Sooo✌ENJOY💖

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