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I had this on repeat while writing this💖SORRY😜

Lisa POV

    We got home six days ago and Sean is pissed. He would see old photos of them and flip them off or punch the wall then yell with rage. It was kind of get tiring walking and seeing holes in the wall. I was making spaghetti and meatballs since it was Thursday.

   Then the doorbell rang "Sean Sean get the door I'm cooking!" I shout praying to jesus Sean heard me "Coming!" Sean says walking the steps to the door. He opens the door and all I hear is a gasp "Sean who is that the-" I gasp and see...

                  Hayden Nevaeh

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                  Hayden Nevaeh

(Heaven backwards 😐)

      She was Ethan's first love then she left for Roman so called for "forever". But to make it better we called her two weeks after we found out about Ethan and Grayson. "Sorry I'm late but I heard Ethan is in love with his brother 'TWIN' brother!" I smile knowing she can fix Ethan and Grayson. But I think mainly Ethan.

"Are you ready to break them up?" I ask her chuckling at the end. "I've been ready since I knock on the door" I smile at her response "Well come in and let's get to work!" Sean states excited.

Ethan POV

Grayson left to get groceries because apparently needed some since now. I got up took a shower, brushed my teeth. My regular routine I went to the fridge and all I seen was milk and eggs and four cold water bottles. I'm not drinking milk but eggs umm... no. Water I'll let it slide water is going to do.

Full speed I run and jump on the couch I make sure I didn't crack the legs of the couch. Then I see I did but only one of them. "Fuck Grayson's going to kill me!" Then I remembered we have gorilla glue in the kitchen. I run into the kitchen and look through all the drawers only to come to the conclusion that we don't have any- more "SHIT!" I shout defeatedly

I heard Grayson pull into the drive way. I run back to the couch and straighten the couch leg ang run to the door. I walk outside and help with bags "Thanks" He gives me kiss on the cheek making me blush "No problem" 

He smiles and walks inside with a few bags. I get in the house with the rest of the groceries. I come in to see Grayson bend over making me smile knowing that 'all ass is mine'. "It is all yours and always be yours" Grayson says making me understand that I just said that out loud. I mentally cuss myself out.

We get done putting groceries and he starts walking into the living room "Hey baby let's go in our room and cuddle" I suggest "let's cuddle on the couch we can watch season six of 'Teen Wolf' I miss Stiles." He pouts. I missed Stiles too but if he finds out I broke a leg to the couch he is going give me the silence treatment.

Then he sat right where it cracked "ETHAN DID YOU BREAK THE FUCKING COUCH!" He yells pissed. I peek around the corner "Yes" I say a little scared of Grayson when he is mom mode. He began yelling like he does when he pissed.

I step in and kiss him then his cheeks his neck his collarbone. He moans and wraps his legs around my waist. I carry him into our room without breaking the kiss.

Hayden POV

Ethan and Grayson's parents flew us  out to L.A. to break them up maybe two days ago. We were spying on them seeing what was the best time to knock on the door. If they were arguing wait three minutes then send me in.

We see Grayson yelling at Ethan I was about to be sent in. But Ethan started kissing Grayson then down his neck his collarbone and he carried them into their room. I turn to Lisa and Sean "This is going to harder than I thought."

Hey gorgeous people told you more shit was going down.!PAUSE! Well. Gotta Blast. Enjoy💖

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