On my Count

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Ethan POV

We were driving to Mr.Nevaeh house when we were passing our house I seen a man climbing in our bedroom window. "Grayson stop!" I shouted "You scared the shit outta me Ethan why the did you make me stop!?!" He screamed at me holding his chest.

"I made you stop because someone just crawl into our bedroom window." I explained to him "Not someone..Nate Garner." "Fuck" I exclaimed. "Let's go beat this go diego go motherfucker." I say ready to beat his ass. " Ha your  smack talk is fucking weird." Grayson laughed.

Grayson pulls up around the corner. We hop out of the car and I took Grayson into the little door then a tunnel to the secret panic room. We crawled for about two minutes "Stop" I whispered "Why?" Grayson whispered "Cause he's right there" I said pointing to him.

Grayson covered his mouth with his hand not even realising how close Nate was. " Stay here I'll come get you when it's safe" I persuaded "No your not leaving or coming back because I'm going with." He says dead serious "Grayson..." I was interrupted my Grayson we both got on our knees looking into each others eyes.

"Don't Grayson me if I let you do your dumb idea and he hurts you or even kills you and I just sat here like a little bitch I-I would be disgusted in myself because I let the love of my life, my best friend, my reason in life get harmed or even killed. I love you too much to even let that happen, so don't fucking Grayson me." He says with so much compassion and anger.

"Grayson I was going to say 'Grayson you can come' but it's good to know that you care." I say teasing him."Oh I'm such a idiot." He hid his face into the crook of my neck with his arms around my neck. "Why do you love me?" He smirk with humor and sadness.

"Don't doubt your self or after I beat the shit out of this tella tubby, your going to get punished and it's just might be kinky." I say whispering the last part in his ear. "Don't get me started asshole" He smirks. "Your getting punished" I say then I smacked his ass. "You asshat." He whispered.

*********Time Skip********

Grayson POV

Ethan was sneaking around the corner then Nate turned around and seen us. He charged towards us and he grabbed me. Fuck are you serious!?

"ETHAN!!!" I screamed and Nate pulled out a knife. Ethan quickly hurried to me only to be stopped by Nate holding a knife to my throat. "Tktktk I wouldn't do that if I was you. You might be thinking in your little disgusting incestuous mind 'Now why in hell would I do that'," He says trying to sound like Ethan. "Um maybe or maybe not the knife that is at your brother's throat is a knife with venom in its metal." He says quickly paralyzing me in horror.

Ethan looked like the world just ended in front of him then his eyes and his attitude changed. He was the Ethan that got him sent to a hospital because a boy at school backhand slapped me and ripped up my all five of my test in front of him. Ethan broke two of his ribs and broke his left arm and right leg.

"Put the damn knife down and fight me like a real man!" Ethan said with the pure desire to kill him. "Alright, Graysie I'm going to put you to sleep okay." Nate says being a million times more creepier. "Like hell you are!" I said and I backwards head butt and elbowed him in the stomach. He fell back in pain with a thud "Shit!!" He hollered in pain.

Ethan walked up to him and knocked him out. He rushed to me "Are you ok?" "Im fin-" "Does it hurt anywhere?" "No im fin-" "Did he cut you a little?" "He didn't cu-" "I'm so sor-" I interrupted him by kissing him so he'd just shut up. "Sorry I wouldn't shut up," He says. I tilted my head. "How did yo-" "Oh... you bite my bottom lip when I don't shut up." He says red as a strawberry.

Third POV (I try )

Ethan got off his knees and put Nate into the chair and tied ropes around him. Grayson got a pot of water, he got freezing cold water.

"On my count at 3." Ethan says seeing hatred in Grayson's eyes. "Okay...wait let me get the phone." Grayson says rushing to the kitchen to get the house phone and his phone. "Okay you can start." Grayson says officially ready.




Hi gorgeous people this a holiday gift and I'm back and a goddess has got a few chapters that'll make you scream or mad but queens and kings I try soo ENJOY💖

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