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Lisa POV

We were at our destination but the boys decided to stay home I didn't think much of it. We walked in the building and a man walk up to us "Um what are you here!?" Sean instantly replied "Um... we are here for the job promotion" the man sighs like this has happened before " Sir that's next week..sorry." We walk back to the car.

After the silence we pull into drive way. All I wanted to do was lay down. We walked in quietly cause it was 10:45 we didn't want to wake the boys. Cause god knows how the boys are when boys are a woken. But instead of snoring we hear something else "Sean hey Cameron do you hear....moaning or that me" "I hear i-..." Cameron was interrupted by Grayson and Ethan screaming and moaning.

There is nothing I hate more than gays. I kept getting interrupted by Ethan and Grayson "OH FUCK ETHAN DON'T STOP!" and "FUCK..GRAYSON!"
I look at Cameron she just on her phone not giving a damn chewing her gum.(😁lowkey me)

We all walk down the hall besides Cameron she goes to her room saying something about Martinez Twins or what not. I was too focus on my sons fucking moaning each others name. I opened the door to see Ethan fucking the hell outta Grayson. We gasp in shock because were trying not to believe what we were hearing.

Ethan turns around to see us in the doorway. He moves a little hitting Grayson in the right spot making him moan again. Grayson looks up to see us he pulls the covers up there bodies they scream in unison "Shut the fucking door!" I was so mad and shocked still trying to process what I saw. I just snapped without thinking what's going to happen next "NO!"

But Ethan puts on his underwear and walks up to the door and slams it in our faces. We stomped to our rooms still trying to process. We decided that we are going to talk about it in the morning. Tell them how wrong this sin is.

Hi gorgeous people ok Gotta Blast Enjoy 💖

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