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Grayson POV (mental asylum)

The door opened with a slam. "Hey asshole its 9:46 pass curfew now take your ass to sleep." Ms.Hart says. "Okay I'm 3/4 away from done soo who's the asshole now!?" I say with sass in my tone. "Take your ass to sleep or get punished." She sternly says. I immediately put my notebook away.

*******Morning 5:29*******

"WAKE UP WAKE THE ENTIRE HELL UP!" Mr. Davis yells with his really deep voice. "Get up Grayson or get punished" He threatens me. Even though I know he can't touch me I still am scared.

All I want to do is sleep. I miss my best friend, my boyfriend, my brother my soul feels weaker like it only has half of it. "Get up now!" He keeps says. "For fuck sakes I'm fucking up!" I say irritated with dry tears down my face. He gives me a threatening expression I roll my eyes not giving a damn.

Everyday I have to lie and tell the crazy people in here that I'm a top and I fucked my twin brother. So I don't get raped, I see Mr. Carpenter approaching me. "Hey Grayson here's your medicine now go clean your fucking room" He winks and hands me coffee instead of medicine. "Yes sir." I pretend to be annoyed.

I walk back to my room, the men are shaking the cells bars and licking up and down the bars. Sending me disgusting vibes "I don't really think the bars would like you to be doing that they have hearts too there just so small kind of like the size of your dick Matthew." I say smiling walking away.

I walk into my room and began to write.

Third POV


Everyone turns around even Nate. It was a man in a suit with a british accent. "Um I'm looking for Nate Garner." He says with, the looks of it twenty five men behind him.

Nate ran "Get him and bring him back half alive!" He says smirking. "First of all who um fuck up his face?" He asks "I did Sir" Ethan says "I give you nothing but respect." He says walking up and shakes Ethan's hand.

Ethan looked like he had something on his mind. "Um why are you going to kill Nate I wanted to do that but you can do that if you want." Ethan asks just as confused as Grayson. The man looked a uneasy like it was breaking him to say why.

"I got a signal telling us where Nate was. We put trackers in his ear rings and I'm going to kill and torture him because he...he took advantage of my little brother." The man explains to Ethan and Grayson.

I sensed Ethan got stiff and change his posture. "Um Nate did the same to my twin brother." Ethan says, he looks down at Grayson giving him sad eyes. "I thought he was your boyfriend. I kind of see the similarities. . . not that much." The british man says tilting his head.

Grayson and Ethan look at each other then back at the man. Then it hit them "He is my boyfriend and my twin brother. We're twincest." Grayson says getting on his tippy toes a little and kisses Ethan. " I'm sorry people may say that is disgusting but that was the most cutest thing I've ever seen." He says covering his mouth a little smiling little. "And my name Tom Ellis" Tom says smiling.

💖I'll put a picture of him below💖

Hi gorgeous people sorry I took so long to update I was rehearsing for a audition. And another person that I adore Tom Ellis. I highly recommend to watch Lucifer on Netflix. Tom Ellis is so damn hot in it.(calm down your crack ass down) Well. Gotta Blast. Enjoy💖

Tom EllisTom: age 29

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Tom Ellis
Tom: age 29

Roman EllisRoman: same age as Grayson and Ethan 18

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Roman Ellis
Roman: same age as Grayson and Ethan 18

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