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Third POV


Grayson threw the freezing cold water on Nate. Nate woke up with a jump "Oh Oh FUCK THAT'S COLD!!!" Nate yelled and Ethan punched him making Nate's neck look like it twisted all the way around. Then Ethan hit him again but in the stomach. Nate looked like the wind was knocked out of him.

"Why are you spying on us!?" Ethan asked. "Answer or I'm gonna..." I really don't know what I'm going to do to him. "You wouldn't dare to do anything because you love me!" Nate teased. Ethan didn't give Grayson a chance to do a amazing come back before he knocked three teeth out of Nate's mouth.

Instead of yelling in pain Nate did something else. Nate started laughing while a river of blood fell from his mouth. "You guys are so dumb. You don't think that I don't have backup." Nate says continuing to laugh with blood dripping out of his mouth.

Ethan looked at Grayson and seen his eyes widen. "He's playing with us. Don't listen to him he's a maniac." Ethan says trying to convince Grayson and himself that he's lying. "When I seen you around the corner I pressed this button on the device in my pocket
and my backup should be pulling in NOW." Nate says laughing like a maniac again.

Ethan walks to the window and peeks outside and just like Nate said there were six men outside. Ethan walked up to Nate and knocked him out clean.
"Follow me" Ethan says and cuts the lights and they run into the panic room. They crawl through the secret tunnel, in the distance they could hear their front door being kicked in.

They finally made it to their car. Ethan raced to the police station not caring if the police would give him a ticket.
They got out of the car and rushed in.

Ethan POV

"Um hello we need to report some manic that just committed half of all crimes you can name." Grayson says to a office "What kind of crimes?" The office reaching for his gun a little. "A man broke into our home, kidnapped me, raped me, stalked us, threatened to kill a family." By the time Grayson got done telling there was about eight officers listening.

"He raped you and kidnapped you so do you have a description of how he looks or have you seen his face?" The officers "Yeah we both seen his face." Grayson says.

Grayson POV

One of the officers looked at Ethan but I understand because Ethan is muscular, tall, and he hates people plus he's always hated police officers. "Hey Ethan this your boyfriend?" One of the officers asked."Ethan... how do they know you?" "Shit!" He says under his breath.

He pulls my arm pulling me over to the side. "Remember when I left for a few days and said I was going on a road trip with friends" "Yeah?" I said "Well I was really invading Area 51. But I got caught by officer Dickinson then him, him,her and...him" He says honestly.

We walked back over to the officers "So like before Ethan is this your boyfriend?" One of the officers ask. Then the captain comes out of no where "Yes they're incest" He says "What he said but twincest." I said "Really?" "Yeah" Ethan says then he kisses me. We look up to see all their jaw dropped. I hid my face in Ethan's chest a little happy and uncomfortab-

Ethan POV

Then they shrugged their shoulder not caring. "Well my daughters is incest it took me some time to process but I love them their my girls." Officer Jake said. "That's not what our parents thought." I said. They all had a confused faces.

"What do you mean?" One of the officers asked "Um one day our parents left and they came back early. They caught us having sex and split us up. He stayed here and I went to Nebraska. Worst thing that ever happened to me." I explained.

"Then Barney, sorry our dad ran into my room and told me that the man that committed those crimes raped him. But I didn't know it was Nate a man that our parents hired to follow Grayson. Until Grayson told me his name, its Nate but our dad told me that was Grayson's boyfriend. So I knew something was up. Then I put it together." I finish explaining.

Then Nate comes out of the Captain's office "Are you done? I'm really to kill man slut and fuck Grayson" Nate says with a bored si-.

Grayson POV (mental asylum)

"Grayson it's time to go to bed. It's five minutes pass curfew." Ms.Hart says
"Dr. Bane said that I can stay up and finish writing in my journal sooo I have until...9:45." Grayson says finally getting to say those words.

Ms. Hart rolled her eyes. "So you have ten minutes until bedtime." Ms.Hart then the asylum got really fucking loud with angry groans and people banging on the bars. "Oh shut up assholes." Mr. Carpenter says. He's incest just like me and Ethan were but no one knows besides me.

Grayson POV

Nate says with a bored sigh. "Sorry sir the story was too good." "I want to take this stupid costume off it's getting really fucking itchy." Another officer says. "What in the fuck is going on?!" Ethan says and they shot officer Jake in head and threw him to the side. I felt gunshot ego go through my soul.

They turn around and cringe at the sight of Nate. "Sir what happened to your teeth?" One of the fake officers says "Yeah it's all fucked up and missing." "Eww you look like a damn crackhead." "How you gonna brush them eww?" "Shut the hell up and get them, bring me Grayson!" Nate orders. They tried grabbing us but we jumped out of the way.


Hi gorgeous people so you might have noticed that I was gone for a long ass time I'm back. My favorite writing isn't going to be doing anymore fanfics. But do you queen. Gotta Blast. ENJOY💖

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