Don't Leave

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Warning: Rape

Ethan POV

I couldn't stop crying I need my friends comfort. I unlock my phone it was hard because all I saw was blurry letters. I went to our group chat and type in 'I need you guys now I just found out Grayson is in another relationship come quick as possible😫' I press send and throw my phone.

Thirty minutes later all four of my friends run into my room and start to cuddle me while I cry but then they start to cry. Which makes me cry harder because I'm causing them all pain.

Grayson POV

I woke up to a man who looked so damn familiar. "What the hell do you want asshat?" The unknown man just does this evil smirk. "Your feisty my type I wonder what your like in bed" I see he was getting hard "Hell no back  up you creep!" I screamed at the unknown man.

He walks up to me pissed. He back slaps me leaving a red mark. "I can't wait to be balls deep in that ass." He says. I start to tremble in fear "Just let me go I don't even know your name or you for that matter please let me go" I began to beg. What ever was on that cloth made me so exhausted I can't barely beg for freedom.

Then I heard some noises outside the door. I could tell we were in a shed by a forest but I could still see car lights. "Help help help please help me!" The man rushed to me and pressed on this pressure point knocking me out instantly.

I woke up to someone trying to find my prostate "Damn baby your so tight around me!" I look to see it was that oddly familiar man. "Stop stop stop please stop." I cried. He just chuckles "Let me hit your prostate let me make you feel good!" He demands. I look back at him. It came to me he bullied me and Ethan in high school. Nate Garner.

"Nate Garner!" I screamed catching Nate off guard enough for him to back up out of me little I stomped on his foot he yelped in pain. I pull my pants up and with all of my strength I kick him as hard I can in the balls and in the stomach "Asshole!" Was the last thing I said before running.

I ran not stopping for anyone even though my clothes were ripped and my pants were unbuttoned. I made it home I see Lisa with scared eyes. "Mommy!" I collasped in her arms.

Lisa POV

Grayson burst in the house his clothes were ripped and pants unbuttoned. To make it even worst he was crying with hickeys I knew something bad had happened because he called me 'mommy' and collasped in my arms.

"Honey Grayson what the hell happened?" I said so  worried "Call dad." he says while crawling into a ball. I rush over to my phone and dialled Sean's number "Yes honey." Sean says "Sean Sean something happened to Grayson from the looks of it he has been raped come quick!"

"Um Lisa...bring Ethan too?" Sean says hesitantly "I don't care come quickly!" I hung up and called Magnus. "Hello who is thi-" "Hello Magnus?" "Yes" "We need you I mean Grayson needs you he's been raped hurry do you know where we live?" "No" "I'll send it to you ok" "ok see you soon."

Ethan POV

We all stopped crying and we were just talking. When Sean opens the door with a panic expression "What?" I said "You guys can come to but Ethan we all need to leave now!" Sean says. We all get up "Where? Why?" Kyle asks."I'll tell you on the way there okay?" Sean says calmly "okay."

We start driving faster than the speed limit. "Why the hell are you trying to kill us?" Mercy says hanging onto seat. "Because Grayson was raped and we have to go to him!" Sean says on the edge of crying. I look at my father who was staring at the road not wanting to look at me "Why the fuck didn't you tell me this earlier!?" "Drive the fuck faster Sean!" I yell making my friends flinch a little.

*Four & fifty eight minutes later*

We pulled to the house I jumped out of the car with me. Running up to the front door. I bang on the door three times before a caramel colored man with hazel eyes with a hint of gold in his eyes open the door. I push pass him with my friends behind me.

I come see Lisa with puffy eyes from crying but I also heard sobbing... it was Grayson sobbing. I rush to him bring him in my arms while he cried. "E-Ethan I screamed for him to stop but he.." He started crying, a few tears of my own start to flow. "Breath listen to my heart beat hey hey listen to my heart beat okay." Grayson starts to calm down.

I was about to get up get him some clothes and run him a bath when Grayson grabbed my wrist "Don't leave again." My baby says with glossy eyes "Come here I will never leave you ever remember what I said?" "I never stopped loving you." Grayson says in response. He hugs me tighter than before.

Um...Magnus comes in "The bath is done." I look at him he was standing next to his husband Alec. "Thanks" I say "No problem we should be going now." Magnus kneels down "Take care of him okay." I smile "Of course" he looks down at Grayson "Bye sweet pea it was amazing knowing youm" Grayson squeezes Magnus tightly in one his lovely hugs "Bye Magnus." Grayson says wrapping his arms around me again.

"Baby Grayson the bath is going to get cold." I whisper in his ear "Take one with me please don't leave me." he pleads lowly. I pick him up bridal style and walk him in the bathroom take off his clothes and mine too. I get in the bath with him "I will never leave you again baby." I say breaking down. "God I love you so fucking much Grayson don't forget that." I lean in and kiss him passionately. I rest my head on his "I can't feel that pain living without you I can't do it."

"Hey I'm never leaving you again baby." I get the sponge and soap  Vanilla Wonders and bathe him and rinse him off. I grab Grayson a grey hoodie and me a black hoodie. He fell asleep very quickly I walk into the living room.

"We need to find this asshole who did this Grayson I said that I would protect him from this and it happens again!" I was so pissed and angry I couldn't calm down.

"Again!" Lisa says with anger and confusion expression.

Hi gorgeous people I almost cried writing these paragraphs. I was going to do something different because it was hard to write. But I stopped and watch a Dolan Twins new video. Gotta Blast. ENJOY💖

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