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Hayden POV

Someone knocked on the damn front and we are stuck in this sin house. (This bitch got some nerve👿) It reeks of unholyness and I know they can smell it too. It makes me want to vomit all day and be depressed.

Ethan came down but by himself. Which makes me think 'Is Ethan ashamed of Grayson' I can use that to defeat him. I say to myself "Hayden you are so damn smart these fags are going down!" I smiled to myself for being such a princess.

As soon as he went the door we ran to the back door and got out of that damn house but we locked it back. Then ran back to the car in the parking lot at the store, nine minutes away from here.

Jason POV

We practically ran to the front door. "Everyone remember the plan. If  Ethan leaves,go on my count okay... OKAY!" I said they immediately reply with a "let's go" I knocked on the door.

Ethan opens the door and hugs us and tells us to come in."It's so good to see you guys and girl again" He says remembering Mercy. We sit down and talk for few minutes, laugh at a few jokes, and show funny pictures we shared.

Then I see this sexy god of a man peek around the corner. He seems scared.

He had a nervous facial expression then he seen Ethan and smiled. It warmed my heart it kind of reminded me of Derek and me, I fucking miss him I haven't seen in two years. Before I knew it a tear rolled down my cheek.

Kyle POV

I look at Jason and see him staring. I come to see Ethan's twin brother he is stunning. Plus he has on this purple hoodie that stops below his knees and his hair was jack frost white hair and his jawline was sharp as hell. If you told me to fuck him 'You don't have to tell me twice.'

I-I think I'm in love with Grayson. I can't be. Not again. FUCKK. Then Ethan turns around to see what we were staring at and his face lit up with a peachy smile. Like he just tasted ice cream and cake for the first time.

Ethan walks Grayson over. Then he introduces himself "Hi I'm Grayson and this is our house and this is my boyfriend\twin brother and if you don't like it...get on my level." He finishes,we all clap loving his answer.

Then Ethan leaves to order pizza. It was time to begin the plan.

Mercy,Cameron,Kyle,Jason POV

"Grayson hey..leave Ethan and come stay with us. We can cuddle,fuck, and go shopping." Cameron said "We can rub up and down your legs, kiss or lick anywhere you want, and massage in the right places." Kyle encouraged but only getting Grayson to roll his eyes. We all sexually crawl to him.

"I don't need anyone of you guys and girl to do that plus Ethan does all of that ten times better than you can imagine" Grayson says getting up.

Grayson was about to walk away but Kyle stopped him " You passed the test Grayson!" We say while clapping "What!?" "This was a test to see if you'll go and leave" Mercy states "Thank you!" "For what?" We ask confused "For showing me that Ethan finally has trustworthy friends." Grayson replies smiling "No problem."

Kyle POV

Ethan walked in smiling really fucking confused "Why is everyone clapping?" He asked arching his eyebrow but in the corner of my eye I see Grayson bite his bottom lip. I say to myself 'Grayson gets turned on when Ethan arches his eyebrow. Keep that in mind.We didn't know what to respond with. "We're happy because you ordered pizza!" Grayson says. He mouths *Your Welcome* then winks.

Ethan smiles wrapping Grayson's leg around his waist "Your welcome!" Ethan says kissing Grayson's cheek. "Um can we see you guys kiss..on the lips?" Cameron says pleading with Mercy. "Sure?" Ethan says looking at Grayson arching his eyebrow again then Grayson and him kiss a little heated.

Grayson POV

Ethan arched his eyebrow he turned me on so damn much. I smashed my lips on his, loving his sweet taste when he kisses me. Its like a mixer of  lust+mango I crave it anytime of the day.

We pulled back and smiled and he gave me a peck on my lips making blush like the fucking girl on Wendy's sign. "Awe its so fucking.." Mercy says not knowing the right words "So fucking cute,adorable,romantic, and so much more!" Cameron says finishing Mercy's sentence. Ethan just chuckles at how cute and weird they are being.

We were just laughing a funny flipgrams compilations when my phone vibrated. I stood up and walked into the kitchen to see who texted me and I seen I had a text from Unknown. I look the message to see a unknown number texted me:

They baby I told you that I would find your prostate and make you feel good. But that also means I will find you. Then make you feel good. Do or don't text me back but I still know what your  response is, if your car is like baby blue\turquoise car and the license plate says *GRAY* if so I'm watching you but if not I'm still watching and if you don't come help I will hurt him and their family. Bye can't wait to balls deep in that ass.😘😉😀

I froze with fear. "Grayson are you coming?" I hear Ethan yell "I'll be there in second." I shout back. I walk back into the living room and wrap Ethan's arms around me snuggling in his chest scared out my mind. "Bae you alright?" He asks giving me a kiss on the head. "Yeah..just know I love you." I say craving his love and compassion. "Alright... I love you too" he smiles towards the end and he kisses me so loving making me melt with protection.

Hi gorgeous people, my baby Grayson but this is my favorite damn chapter far. But like I said before more shit is going down.
! PAUSE! Well. Gotta Blast. Enjoy💖

And derek looks like this: down below

And derek looks like this: down below

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