I Feel

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Cameron POV

I haven't seen my family since Ethan got out of the hospital. I miss Ethan and Grayson so fucking much. I should call them "I shouldn't..no do it there your brothers...okay Cameron just fucking dial the number." I dial Ethan's number. I was kind of nervous but still excited.

Ethan POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned from being woken from my sleep. I looked at my phone to see who it was calling. My eyes widen because it was Cameron calling. I shake Grayson only to get a mumbled leave me alone.

"Grayson wake up it's Cameron.. Cameron calling!" I say shaking him. "Answer it answer it" Gray rushingly. I take a deep breath then I  press the answer icon and put it on speaker. "Hey Cam how you been we missed you!" I say happy finally hearing from our sister.

"Good how the hell you been little Bros?" I look at Grayson and mouth 'should we tell her' Grayson puts it on the phone on mute. "We'll tell her in person its worst to tell someone over the phone." He says "Your right... its fucked up to tell over the phone." I agreely say. "Hello,hello anyone there hello..the fuck?" Cameron kind of yells
"Shit shit shit take it off mute" "I am I am" "Hello..hey sorry my ear hit the mute button." I say randomly "Its ok."

"Um.. Cam do you want to come over in two hours?" Grayson asks hoping to hear a 'yes'. "Yeah yeah that's perfect see you guys soon...its good to hear you guys again!" Cameron excitedly
" Its going to be good to hug you again!" We say in unison on accident.
We just shake it off.

A hour remaining

Grayson POV

"Ethan, Cameron is going to be here in
a hour!" I shout from the kitchen hoping he could hear me from our room. I was cooking meatloaf and mash potatoes. I took the meatloaf out
of the oven and the mash potatoes been done it was just sitting on low.

(Yes Grayson can cook in this story)

I ran inside our room and began to put on my normal but a outfit that I approve of. "What..the food?" Ethan said confused "It's on low. Now go get the plates and sliver wear ready!" I rushingly. "You look really sexy when your mom mode." Ethan encourages seductively.

I turn around to question what he meant but he was already walking up
to me. He grabs me by my waist and starts to kiss down my neck. " You know will make you even sexier than you already are?" I moan " What. Is. That. Baby?" He says in between kisses.

I kiss him passionately. He arches his eyebrow in a sexy way making me moan a little. " If you prepare the plates and sliver wear for dinner." I smirk at him making him squeeze my ass a little. " Saw that coming...okay okay I'm doing it." He states going to the kitchen.

I finish getting dressed, I walk into the kitchen. And the fucking doorbell rung "She's early!" I whisper/shout at Ethan all he does is walk up to me to calm my anxiety. "Baby we will tell her and if she doesn't accept us then.. we still have each other and if she does accept us then that's the Cameron we grew up with. It's okay." He says calmly. He kisses me calming my nerves.

He walks to the door and opens it to see Cameron. He looked beautiful she was really 20 years old. She looked good "Oh my god Ethan Grayson come here!" We shut the door and did a big group hug. " You guys look good oh my." She says stunned " Us what look at you. You look like a grown up go head." Ethan says making Cam blush from her neck to her cheeks.

" So true what the hell happened.." I say just adding more redness to her face and neck. "Oh we have meatloaf ready if you want some." She smiles brightly "Of course it's your famous meatloaf thank god I didn't eat before I came."

We get done with dinner and we were watching season five 'Teen Wolf'. Then Ethan paused the episode and looked at me signalling that we're telling her now. " Hey Cam we have something to tell you i-its us and you can't change that." Ethan says shaking a little. " Okay are you guys in some kind of trouble?!" Cameron panicks
"No...Me and Ethan are together like in a relationship." I say exhaling.

"You're in relationship like dating?" She asks "Yes" she stares at us for a moment then laughs "This is the best fucking pran-" We started to make out to prove we were serious. " Oh your serious!" We stopped kissing " Yeah how do you feel about us." I ask softly.

"I FEEL..."

Cliffhanger sorry had to more shit is going down in the next 9 chapters
Well Gotta Blast hope you ENJOY💖

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