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Kyle POV

"Please just tell me who you are?!" I say shaking "If you don't open the damn door right fucking now I'm going to shoot it down you have seven seconds." The unknown man says.

"What do I do" I thought to myself "1" I hear him say "Fuck Fuck what do I do?!" I whispered pacing back and forth. Then I looked over and seen the walkie talkie "2" I rushed to the walkie talkie.

I turn down the volume so the man can't hear it. "Hayden a man is at the door threatening to shoot it down Hayden over 480!" I say into the mic. "Kyle don't open the door take the walkie talkie and run as fast as you can Kyle over 580" she responds "4" "that's cheating " I yell at the man.

"Kyle Why Kyle over 480" I say scared "Hayden because that man bathes in his enemies blood and not jokingly I mean he collects incest and twincest bodies and drain their blood and bathes in it. So run right now run kyle run Hayden over 580" Hayden says. Then I realized that the counting stopped and my heart dropped to my balls.

Seconds later my power cut out. "May god be with you. You'll be honored by your actions in this mission." Hayden says and disables the connection. I hear footsteps but it went silent. Then something grabbed my the back of my head and my jaw. Then everything went black and my neck hurt like hell.

Nate POV

I snapped the young boy's neck and put dragged it to my little cabin deep in the woods. "I'm gonna need a bigger bath" I say looking at all the bodies surrounding me.

(What has this story come to

I seen Grayson and Ethan driving up the road "this is my time to sneak into their house." I say to myself. I run up to the house and look for a window or a liitle basement window.

I seen the bedroom window "Perfect!" I exclaim I jump and pushed up the window. Then I broke my fall when I landed on a soft rug, I walked into  Grayson's bedroom looking for a hiding place.

I seen something in the corner of my eye and pressed the button "Now you have to deal with me and my back up" I meant to say out loud but only sayin it my head.

Hi gorgeous people I'm back have are my queens and kings. I've missed you all I hope you enjoy these last few chapters! ENJOY💖

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