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Sean POV

We were about to send Hayden in. It was the perfect moment because Grayson was yelling at Ethan. But Ethan started to kiss him and they started to do things brothers shouldn't do. Then Hayden said it was going harder than she thought. I drove all of us home to think of another plan.

We walked in the house and Hayden immediately says another plan.

"Ok I got a plan so, if Grayson leaves the house and we will wait five minutes to make sure. Then I will go knock on the door and say something is wrong with my car. And if Ethan  remembers me he probably will then I'll do what I do best. Separate sisters or brothers who are incest but in this case twincest." Hayden says revealing her plan.

Lisa hugged her "It's perfect when will this beautiful plan begin?" She asks letting go of her.

Hayden paces back and forth for a few minutes. "It will begin in three days I can get the car and I'll need to set up cameras that will only be able to see not hear things." We nod at her answer understanding the last part.

"Ok we'll sneek you in" "How?" "They forgot to take the spare key they gave us." Hayden nods "See you tomorrow" "BYE!" We wave goodbye to Hayden. "We're going to final get our sons back to normal Lisa!" I happily say.

Ethan POV

I was cuddling Grayson after what we just did."Angry sex feels really fucking good why didn't you stop?" I tease "Because I didn't want you to stop." Grayson says smirking trying to hide his face in my chest. I was about to tell how cute he was being but my phone rang.

On caller ID it said '😅Jason😊' Grayson saw the call ID "Who the fuck is Jason..Ethan!" Grayson sasses I laugh. He looks angrier I ignore it and press answer. " Hey Jason how have you been how is the gang?" I said then I heard Grayson whisper\yell "Gang!" I roll my eyes at his cuteness.

"We're good we want to take you up on that offer 'coming to hang out with you and Grayson' that offer still up?" Jason asks nervously I can whispering of Kyle,Mercy,and  Cameron in the back. "Of course love you guys!" I say so all of them can hear. "Omg we're so there in about three hours!" They all say then Mercy. "Ok bye see you soon!" I say hanging up.

I look at the clock and see it's 1:45pm "They'll be here around 4:55 I can't wait to see them." "WHO!" Grayson says irritated. I turn back around and explain.

"When I was in Nebraska Sean or should I say Barney took to this place where it turns you back 'Normal' and I met some friends Mercy, Jason, Kyle and Cameron and they taught how leave the pills under my tongue then ask to use the bathroom and spit it in the toliet. So they were only friends I had at the time." I say pouring my problems from Nebraska to him feeling like a weight was lifted.

Then Grayson starts to cry "Baby why are you crying?" I say wrapping his legs around me and kissing his cheeks then I did the finally solution running my hands through his hair. "I'm crying because when you c-came back you had to worry about me and I didn't ask about your problems!" He says making me fall even more in love with him.

"Fuck I love you" "Why I'm a terrible boyfriend" "Boyfriend?" I say arching my eyebrow he looks up and hides his face in crest of my neck. I flip us over with Grayson's legs still wrapped around me "Boyfriend Boyfriend" I while tickling him.

Lisa POV

We were in the boys house and we could here Ethan saying 'Boyfriend' and Grayson laughing.

"When does Grayson leave?" I ask Hayden "Umm.. Thursday to go shopping!" She responds. Then Ethan comes out with Grayson legs wrapped around his waist "I love you Grayson!" Ethan repeats kissing Grayson. Then Grayson kisses him and says "I love you too but they're other ways you can tell me you love me." He states seductively.

"Hell yeah! Bedroom.Strip.Now!" Ethan says clearing knowing he is top. Sean got up and was about to walk in and beat their asses but Hayden pulled him down "We have to break them up soon!" I say with disgust.

It has been hour and we finally finished putting in all the cameras in. But me and Hayden had to handle Sean because all we could hear is Ethan and Grayson moaning and that poor headboard hitting the wall repeatedly.

Thank god they stopped 10 mins ago and took a shower. We were about to walk out when we heard the door bell ring.


Hey gorgeous people I was sad that the dolan twins were going to stop making videos. Then I said to my self "Get your ass up make these gorgeous people happy and write" the dolan twins would be pissed if I did you guys like that so I'm soo fucking sorry. Gotta Blast. Enjoy💖

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