I Love You

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Ethan Pov

   "G-Grayson is dating someone" Is all I heard when I went numb. "What's his name?" I asked in disbelief  "Nate" I look down because that name sounds so familiar. "Nate what?" Sean tries to walks away I grab his forearm "Nate... what?" I said getting frustrated.

    He tried to pull away but it only made my grip tighter than normal. He looks me in the eyes with anger and a hint of fear. "Nate Garner now let go Ethan!" I let go running upstairs with that name ringing in my head over and over."Nate Garner Nate Garner Nate Garner." Then it comes to me "Nate Garner!" My eyes widened then they rolled as I remember he fucking bullied us in high school. Wait.

    "Why would Grayson date him he bullied us did you heard me Barney?" I said rushing downstairs to Sean. " I.Don't.Know Ethan people change things change." Sean says on phone
ordering himself a triple meat pizza.

     He gets ordering done. "Barney  Grayson would never do that we love each other way to fucking much to do that to each other." I said while was on the verge of crying. I gave up and ran upstairs to my room and didn't come out. Just sobbing my heart out.

   Sean POV

   I walk outside and dial Lisa number. "Did the plan work out for you too" I said finally separating my sons for loving each others. "Yes Grayson just ran to his room crying finally we did it!" Lisa says happily "What did you tell Grayson?" I ask with curiosity.

    Lisa chuckles lowly "I said Grayson he doesn't love you anymore. But he screamed at me and said "You don't even know about our relationship" I said you just told me that Ethan was making out with some girl." I laughed Lisa started to laughing.

   Lisa stops laughing "Grayson where are you going this late?" I hear Lisa say "I need to see my therapist okay
or do I have to go through a incest detector or some shit." I hear Grayson to his mother. Lisa puts the phone down from what I heard. "Don't talk to me that way Grayson don't walk away from me!" Lisa yells at Grayson "Oh please try to stop me."

     Minutes later Lisa picks up the phone "Does Ethan talk to you that way too?" Lisa asks angrily " Of course he does and he calls me this fucking name. I know he is our son but sometimes I just want to punch him but I don't." I said calming down.

   "What does he calls you? All Grayson calls me is bitch or asshole and that's it." Lisa says a little mad and a little curious. "He calls me..." I pinch the bridge my nose "What Sean what is it Sean tell me what does he cal-" Lisa says getting impatient as fuck "Barney he fucking calls me Barney Lisa!" Lisa starts to burst into laughter. Instead of laughing with her I got angry and I hung up.

Grayson POV

     After Lisa tells me that Sean caught Ethan making out with some whore. I ran to my room which was Ethan's room. "Why Ethan Why Ethan!" I sob "Why ethan why I thought you loved me why now...but I still love you I love you. What have you done to me god I still fucking love you." I got out of Ethan's room and got my bag. I need to talk to Magnus.

     I walked out the door and Lisa just had to say something. We got in a fight but she gave up and started to talk on the phone again. I start to walk to Magnus's office because it was only a twenty minutes walk. I spot Dollar Tree I walk in to buy some Tropical Starbursts. I walk out of the store and to start walking again.

   I look behind me to see some man in a jacket and ripped jeans and grey shoes is following me. He looked so familiar but I didn't want to take my chances so I started walking a little bit faster. But of course he also picked up the pace. I got frustrated and turned around but he wasn't there anymore.

   "What the fuck..are these Starbursts really crack?" I say with wide eyes then I laugh at my stupidity. Then strong arms wraps around me and a cloth covers my mouth and nose. I was kicking and fighting but I slowly started feeling weak. He takes the cloth off my mouth and nose. I said the last thing before it when black "I love you Ethan."

Hi gorgeous people never walk outside by yourself ok I don't want a one of God's gorgeous creation to leave so soon.Gotta Blast. ENJOY💖

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