Not Allowed

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Ethan POV

After I slammed the door in our parents faces I instantly regretted it.I slid down the door hugging my knees then Grayson rushes to me pulling me into hug. After he comforts me I calm down I look into his eyes "We are leaving in the morning before everyone wakes up..ok?" Grayson just nods and kisses the top of my head.

After Grayson calms me down I get up "Come we're gonna need rest I'll set the alarm ok baby" He blushes at the nickname " Yeah..can we cuddle?" I smile at his adorableness. I pull the covers over us and we drift to sleep.

"RINGGG RINGGG WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" I groan at my alarm then minutes later Grayson groans"It worse than you" I say with a wicked smirk Grayson turns to me and gives me a annoyed glare. I giggle at him and give him peck " I'm sorry baby"

We get up do our morning routine and we pack up making sure we didn't leave anything behind. I look back gray does the same we said our goodbyes. I stop at Starbucks and get a
Dairy Free Vanilla Soy Latte and Grayson got the same as me. We got on the plane on time "Goodbye  New Jersey I Love You" I whisper to myself.

       ********Two Months********

   I'm just making out with Grayson it has been amazing between us. We were making out like we always do until I heard the door bell I got up "No Ethan lets keep going fuck who ever at the door" Grayson states not wanting to stop one of our amazing make out session.

We were shirtless and covered in hickeys but I didn't care if someone saw me with a body of hickeys. I kind of wanted who ever was at the door to see my baby's work. I was still smiling about Grayson, I walked to the door I opened it to see our parents. I gasp in shock I tried to slam the door but my dad pushed the door hard enough to make me stumble.

They look me up and down my mom walks up to me "Are you covered in hickeys?" With anger in her voice I didn't answer still shock they were in our house. "Ethan are you coming back to..bed" Grayson walks in once he sees our parents stop in shock.

Our dad finally speaks up "Ethan Grayson sit down now " I roll my eyes cause he was using his 'DAD' voice.
"You guys know that I hate LGBQA or what ever." Lisa says looking into our eyes with pure anger. "We don't like guys we just like each other...there a difference!" I say in sassy in tone.

She looks at our dad then back at us. "You..both are not allowed to speak to each other,touch each other,or do anything with each other!" I was shook I was squeezing Grayson's hand.

Turn my head to Grayson I could tell he was the verge of crying I pulled him off the couch. I kiss him on the lips in front of our parents I could see the disgust and anger on their faces in the corner of my eye but I didn't care.

I pulled him to kitchen and rested my forehead on his "We don't have to this if we don't want to ok baby" I peck him on the lips and he gives one those beautiful smile of his. "Oh for your information you have to do it or we report you to the police!" I look at our so called mom beyond pissed!

Until Grayson pulled my arm he kissed my neck "calm down" he whispered. I breath then we walk back to them "Ok fine we'll do it." Even though when they leave we're going to do the opposite. They both smile wickly Grayson walks up to them disgusted to be related to them. " How Long" Grayson says.

"A Year and two months!"

Hi gorgeous people I am updating twice today ok so the book I am working on is Don't Fight It so Grayson has a anti in him he has had it since he was 6 they grew up together but anti is him and he gets kidnapped by a gang leader Ethan Grant and Ethan also has a anti so I can't wait to write it. Enjoy 💖

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