don't wanna be me anymore

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Grayson POV

It has been six days since Ethan left with our dad. I was walking around the house with Ethan's sweat pants and hoodie on. I was on YouTube and some how found this girl with a amazing voice, her name is Billie Eilish.

I played all of her songs. I got tired so I ran to Ethan's room and played Billie Eilish. Don't be that way, fall apart twice a day, I just wish you could feel what say, I bursted into tears missing Ethan too fucking much " I hope you don't feel this much pain. I cried myself to sleep missing him so much.

I woke up to knocking and the door bell ringing nonstop. I rush to the door "Who the fuck is it!!" The mail man stood with his fist up because he was about to knock again."Mail" he says in a fake friendly tone."Why couldn't you just put it the mailbox?" "Because the man said not to... have a nice day sir!"

I shut the door I look to see who sent the beautifully made letter. I turned it on the back to see 'Ethan' I gasp in shock "Ethan" I whisper still in shock I take out the letter and started to read.

After I finish reading I wiped the tears that was streaming down my face it seemed like they wouldn't stop. I look at the bottom of the letter and it says "Press 'PLAY' in the guest room I love you" I rush into the guest to see a projector with eight videos...of us!

The first video was when Ethan took me on our first date. He first had a video of him getting ready. He was so perfect he is everything I desire. He was goofy to happy to the best thing to happen to me.

The second video was when we went traveling. I thought he was recording everything around us but he was actually recording us.

 I thought he was recording everything around us but he was actually recording us

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I couldn't help but cry at the last video it was for me. "Baby you might be watching this but if you're not Grayson
move the hell on but if you are Grayson
I love you and don't let anyone tell you different...bye baby see you soon!"

I rewatched all of them only watching parts with Ethan in it. "Bye baby see you soon!" I heard a knock I ran to the door and opened it to find our mother
smiling."What the hell do YOU want?"

Her smile suddenly turned to a frown
"Don't talk to your mother like that!!"
"Sorry" she put her hands on her hips
"That's what I thoug-" "What the fuck do you want" I said smiling at the end. "You have to go to therapy now get dressed." "Oh my god" I said under my breath. "What was that?" I turned around "Oh my GOD!" I said.

I hop into the car and she drives to the therapy center. We enter the building and wait in the waiting room
then a lady comes out "Grayson Dolan" I walk into the room without my mom 'Thank God' the man eyes me writing something. "My name is Magnus but call me Mr. Lightwood." I shake his hand he seemed trustworthy.

My eye caught his ring so I had to ask
"So your married?" He looks down at his ring and smiles. "What's their name Mr. Lightwood?" I said with a smile wanting to be that happy again. He looks up and smiles "Alexander Lightwood" "A he. Thank god I thought you were going to be straight!" I state putting my hand on my chest . He just laughs in return. "I knew was going to like you!" Smiling while shaking his head.

Hi gorgeous people ok...fuck I'm going to write a chapter of Don't Fight It 🙏 Gotta Blast ENJOY💖

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