Fire on Fire

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Ethan POV

I shook Tom's hand liking this man already. Me and Grayson were standing there so damn awkward while Tom got reports like 'that Nate is with them' or 'they're ten minutes away'. I seen a shadow of a man and I squeeze Grayson's hand warning him.

"So I just found out that your parents were working with some girl to stop your romance." The young man said and I seen Tom roll his eyes. "Roman what the hel-" "First of all you were taking to long and second of all the girl her is Hayden Nev- Nevaeh" Roman says.

My eyes widen, my first girlfriend is working with our parents. "What does my ex girlfriend have to do with Nate." I hear Grayson groan and Roman adjust a little. "This is my little brother Roman. "Hi Roman." Grayson waves. He waves back showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Hi and to answer your question Hayden hired Nate but he didn't follow through. He began raping and killing innocent people." Roman says with a blank expression but behind his eyes I could see the pain it took him to say that without breaking down. I know this because Grayson does the same look when he says Nate's name.

"Um.. how do I put this... um your parents and Hayden put cameras in your home." Roman says "Wait wait wait a damn minute our parents and some whore seen and heard us have sex." Grayson whispered in my ear. "Precisely." Tom says Grayson shoots him a evil glare. "At least the whore will understand that I'm taken." I whisper into his ear.

Grayson smiles. I grab his waist and whisper "Now she knows because she seen and heard that you ride me better." I pull him in and give him a kiss. "She's not in my league anyway." Grayson say serious and playfully.

"Like I said before that is the cutest shit I have ever witnessed." Tom says with a rush of happiness. "That's your pansexual side overreacting." Roman teases. "That's your douchy side talking.." Tom teases Roman. Roman jaw dropped looking offended "love you Roman ah ah." Tom said "love you too asshole I'm not douchy I'm just...d" Roman says trying to think of some- thing "Douchy." "No decent" Roman says.

As soon as Roman said decent the twenty five men rushed in dragging Nate by his arms while he was screaming begging to be let go. I heard Tom say "Go to the car Roman." "No I'm staying and watching this mother- fucker die he took advantage of so many innocent kids and killed some many." Roman says with confidence.

I look at Grayson "Grayson go to the car or someplace safe I know how you are with corpses I don't need you fainting." I persuade "No I want to see this and I want to be in on it. I was yours still am and he took my promise to only be submissive to you by force so no I'm not going the car or some- place safe." Grayson says making me proud.

I pull him in and make out for literally two minutes before Nate screamed. "Don't touch him he's mine. What are you doing Grayson." I pulled behind me but he stepped in front of me standing his ground. He walked up to him and punched him in the jaw. "You will never be mine and I'll never be yours asshat!" Grayson says shaking with the desire of revenge.

Tom winked at us just as proud as me. "Do you want to do the honor Roman and Grayson?" Tom asks Grayson and Roman grab the guns from Tom's men. "On five okay?" Roman said "Yeah ready..set..go!" Grayson says

"1" Roman begins, getting closer "2" Grayson says getting closer "3" they say in unison "4" they said again in unison "Please no don't please you love me Grayson and you Roman moaned my name I know you enjoyed it too,you too Grayson." Nate says making me furious I was about to punch him but Tom stopped me. "I screamed for you to stop." Roman replied "I'm far from loving you I hate you asshole I begged for you stop!" Grayson says.

Roman and Grayson stepped in close Roman's gun was pointing at Nate's head and Grayson's gun pointing at Nate's penis. "5!" They said and before Nate could scream no. Grayson and Roman pulled the trigger. "Babe you okay?" I ask "I've wanted to do that for so long." Grayson exclaims.

Roman shakingly drops the gun and walks out of the building. "Remove his body boys." Tom demands. "That was amazing Grayson and Rom... where's Roman?" Tom asks. "He probably shaken up from what happened, I mean he just killed a man." Grayson says "It's understandable." I said.

Roman comes back in and has tears down his face. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. "Tom we're.. bad people" Roman says with more tears "We kill people for doing us wrong but we kidnap people and torture them for drugs." Roman says sniffling.

His eyes started to flow with tears "I killed a man who raped me but me and you and the entire mob raped and killed a family of six because the father stole a hundred dollars!" Roman yells at Tom. Roman looks at the floor and let the tears hit the floor "I'm sorry but I had no choice we're bad.. no we're evil people." Roman says like he accepting his destiny.

  Roman says lowly fidgeting with his fingers. "Roman what did you do?!" Tom says walking slowly towards Roman. "I I I I send a emergency signal to-to" Roman says shaking like crazy "TO WHO ROMAN!" Tom shouts making me and Grayson flinch. "To the FBI and the nearest police station and their here because I seen ten of them jumping out of their van when I walked in from the back." Roman says sobbing even more.

Tom eyes went wide and he screamed "You did what?!" Tom yells pissed, betrayed and hurt.

That's when everything when dark.

Hi gorgeous people well queens and kings it's been fun this is the end of the book I hope you enjoyed this book and I'm so happy to be the one person you would waste your time on to read a chapter. Love you queens and kings!!

Merry ChristmasUm quick question queens and kings. Do you guys perhaps want a "I Never Stopped Loving You" squeal if yes then a goddess will fulfill your desires. Enjoy💖

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