"Your My Twin Brother"

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Grayson*year & six months ago*

When I got a call from the hospital saying Ethan got into a accident. I completely shut down, everything went black next thing I know I'm in the parking lot of the hospital that held my brother.

Then it went back to normal,I broke down into tears they would not stop falling. Eventually I calmed down enough to call and tell our family what happened. I pulled out my phone and pressed 'Mother' in my contacts, it rung four times then she picked up. I broke down again, crying into the phone.

"Mo-Mom... Ethan got into a-a accident... I'm at the hospital now please hurry!" I hear her yell in the distance "Honey... Cameron get in the car Ethan has been in a accident." At that moment I hung up the phone. I cried into my hands for a few minutes I finally get the courage to get out of the car and walk to the automatic doors. I walk rather quickly to the front desk.

She asked me a question but I zoned out, then clears her throat then I snapped out of it. She asked again " Who are you here for?" With pity and frustration in her voice, I strutted with my words "E-Ethan D-Dolan" then starts to type with her nails. Seconds later pointing into the elevator"4th floor Room 428."

I thank her.Speed walked to the elevators,stepping into the elevator while pressing button '4' I run to room 428 open the door to see Ethan.

But what I saw was Ethan lying there lifeless,scars, really bruised face Ethan. My heart shattered into so many pieces that think you can't  put it back together. I cry so much after I saw that. I walked over to him and said " Your my world Ethan.. Your my twin brother.. Your my everything your not allowed to leave this world without me god damn it!"

I had much more to say. So that what I did,"God...I didn't even tell I got you a surprise car or that I love you... I love you not in a brotherly way!"Then I realized what I said. I slide down the wall covering my mouth with my hand crying harder than I ever did before. I felt broken and unable to fix.

I told you to get tissues. Update tomorrow. Bye gorgeous people💖

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