The Truth

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Ethan POV

"Again!" Lisa says with curiosity and anger. "What do you mean by 'again' Ethan?" Sean says stepping a little closer. "Its...its not my secret to tell." I say showing no emotion to my parents. "Ethan tell us he's our son you have no right to keep this from us your not his parents!" Lisa yells making me stand up.

"You should have noticed but you didn't so fucking deal with it!" I said beyond furious I was vibrating with anger. But I felt fragile arms wrap around me "Ethan come sit I was fifteen at the time." Grayson says almost instantly calming me down.

I sit down and Grayson sitting my lap snuggling in my chest. I 'awe' at his cutness feeling guilty for waking him up to yelling. "Sorry you woke up to yelling." I say feeling guilty he kisses me making me feel a little better. I hear our parents making grumbling noises we just rolled our eyes.

Grayson looked at our parents "So... you guys want to know why Ethan said 'again'? Grayson said "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." I stated looking at Grayson making sure he really wants to do this. "Its been two years I have to tell them some day Ethan." I nod knowing he's ready.

Grayson POV

"Okay I was walking in the halls going to my next class. When a group of boys came out of nowhere and began harassing me. I told them to stop but they just continued. But as the day had gone it was finally lunch. I didn't want to eat in the cafeteria so I ate outside but those boys came back. They grab me and took me around the school and started to.. um they started to touch me."

"I screamed but no one heard and they took advantage of me and when their coach yelled for warm ups they ran. I couldn't move it hurt so much I just layed there. But Ethan found me maybe sixteen minutes later. He carried me out of school and drove us home after he investigated me he finally got it out of me, who those boys were."

"Ethan went back to school and found those boys and beat the shit outta all of them." I hugged Ethan tighter he looked down at me and smiled. Ethan spoke up "I vowed that I will never let this happen to him again" Ethan said with guilt. "No it's not your fault" I said trying my best to make Ethan know that its not his fault.

"Wait why were you even walking to your therapist anyway?" Ethan asked.
"I think Grayson should get some rest its getting late." Lisa says trying to change the subject."No I'm not tired."
"Ethan..I was walking to my therapist because mom sai-" Lisa interrupted me "You should really get some rest its been a very long night honey." Lisa said nervously.

"Lisa said that dad caught you making out with girl." I said then I felt rage radiate off of Ethan. "Well Sean said you were in a relationship with.." Ethan paused "Grayson who raped you?" Ethan said through his teeth " His name was Nate." I said "Nate Garner?" Ethan questions.

"Yes..why?" I asked but he sits me aside "Cause Sean said that you were in a relationship with Nate Garner!" Ethan said pissed "What the fuck why the fuck would you tell him that...did you already fucking know he raped me!?" I yelled beyond pissed.

"Don't you dare talk to us like that we are still your parents!" Sean yelled. "Parents. Parents you are way over the line to call yourselves parent." Ethan said. "Now get the fuck out of our house and go head and call the police the already know we're dating they said we just can't cause problems for anyone else!" I said vibrating with this unknown anger it felt knid of good. Like I finally released this anger.

They walked out of our house and drove away. Ethan turns to me "Is that true what you just said?" Ethan with wide eyes I laughed a little bit "Yes its true I found out three weeks ago" I  stated happily.

Ethan puts me over his shoulder and runs into our room I yelp happily he puts me down and looks me in the eyes and kisses my forehead "Your my every thing Grayson. Your my meaning in life I will love you until the sun stops warming our world. When the moon stops glowing. I love you Grayson!" He says I wipe my tears "God Ethan i love you so damn much." I say with tears.

He shushes me and we fall asleep in each others arms. I almost completely forgot about what happened. Almost.

Hi gorgeous people this chapter made me cry at the end but this not the end oh more shit is going down. Honey no honey no. Don't Fight It is right around the corner. ENJOY💖

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