Fourth Kiss

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(I need to finish up the flashback)

Grayson POV

I was still by Ethan's side holding his hand. Until we decided to go eat some lunch it was good but boring because I have had it so many times. I get done eating before everyone I go back to the room to hear something I didn't expect.

I walk into the room hearing Ethan moaning my name. I smirk at this thinking I'm Ethan's wet dream "How good am I... he's moaning pretty fucking loud!"Looking at him then at the door shutting it lightly. I heard my mom and dad walking to the room.

Thinking of something quick I shake him a little (Don't Do This) but only made him moan a little louder. Then it pops into my head "let's see if it works." I say to myself.

"Mom... Dad the doctor needs you on the 1st floor!" Thankfully they were in the middle of the hall so they couldn't hear Ethan. They both look at me for a second then start to walk to the stairs. I didn't have to worry about Cameron she was at home getting everyone clothes.

I walk back into the room with Ethan still moaning my name. I'm pacing thinking quickly, four kisses should get him to stop. I walk over to Ethan still moaning loving how my name sounds when he says it. I climb on the bed sitting on his lap I tell myself only four kisses. Two on lips and two on neck.

I kissed him once on the lips then I sucked on his neck one on each side. It was the fourth kiss for some reason I kissed longer. I thought I felt him move "Ethan..." I shook him a little. But his eyes remained closed I didn't know what to do but to just snap "Ethan!?....Ethan wake the hell up! You are Ethan fucking Dolan! I fucking love you.You perfect, gorgeous,smart,the only person I want to fuck. Asshole." I was still sitting on his lap yelling at him.

All of the sudden I felt some strong hands sqeeze my ass I tense up feeling it was Ethan I relax while he whispers in my ear. "Do it then" my eyes widen realising Ethan awake I kiss him for a few moments. Until we were gasping for oxygen he starts to cough. Then he stops I climb off him rushing to our parents telling them to come to the room.

But it was kind of awkward and hard to talk with the nightmares and all. We haven't talked since then cause it finally hit us we love each other... sexual.

End Flashback

I snapped out of the flashback of Ethan's motorcycle accident. I walked down stairs,we only had two more days until we go back to our house. I heard my name I thought I was just hearing things but someone called my name again. It was Ethan I walk into his room "Y-Yes Ethan" he started to blush "Can we talk about what at the hospital?"

I was shocked I didn't move I just stood there.

Hiiiiii gorgeous people sorry I was sick still am but hey ENJOY💖

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