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                      6 Months Later

Ethan POV

I was getting ready to go hang out with Mercy, Kyle, Cameron & Jason. We've gotten pretty close since I got there, Kyle is there because he was caught having a orgy with five guys which I'm impressed. Mercy is there cause she was set up by her parents because they found out she was having sex with girls.

Jason and I were the same but instead I had a twin and he was having sex with his big brother. I haven't told them why I'm here but after knowing they won't judge me. I've decided to tell them today but it's going to be so fucking hard. I was in the mirror almost done.

"ETHAN...ETHAN ETHAN GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!" Sean yells pot boiling angry. I roll my eyes "What I'm busy Barney" I shout back. "GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!" I give up and I huff being irritated by my dad.

I walk downstairs to see my dad holding something familiar. "What do you want?" I said rolling my eyes. He steps in a little closer "What is this?"
He says showing me my personal journal."WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY FUCKING JOURNAL"
I yell loudly snatching it outta his hands.

"Don't go through my shit!!..Barney" I said walking outta the house into my car. I drive up to the movies to see my friends waiting for me. I get out and walk with them into the movies. "What are we seeing tonight guys."  They look at each other then at me. "IT!" They squealed in unison.

After we finish the movie we go out to eat. We all decide to sit at a booth in the corner just how we all like it. We get done ordering then they all look at me. "Ethan if you need more to tell us why you go to CFTN its okay but you can trust us." Jason says sounding clear and softly.

"Hey we're here for you E!" I look at Kyle. "He use to call me that" I said with a smirk "I miss so fucking much"
They smile at me softly "Who Ethan?" Mercy says giving me a genuine smile
"My twin brother Grayson" their eyes widen "You have a twin" they squeal earning us a few glares but not giving a fuck. "Yes" I say laughing a little "The best part is that you're in love with each other" Cameron says clapping his hands.

"Can we see a picture of him?" Kyle says excited then all of them plead anxiously "Okay Mercy do you have Instagram?" I said "Yeah.." Can I see your phone?" "Sure" Mercy hands me her phone. I go to Instagram and type in Grayson DolanI look until I find some good ones "Here are some of me and him..."


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"Damn he's hot I want one" They said but I noticed they didn't stop scrolling "Okay that's my boyfriend you can stop now

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"Damn he's hot I want one" They said but I noticed they didn't stop scrolling "Okay that's my boyfriend you can stop now."  I take the phone and delete the search. "But he's so pretty" they say pouting but I just rolled my eyes.

A lady with fries and burgers come to us with our food. " Umm I have your orders...excuse me" I look up to see she was talking me "Yes..oh I'm Ethan" I shake her hand "Can I have your n-n-number?"

I look up to see she was shaking with anxiety. I grab her hand in mine and kiss the back of her hand "Your beautiful and you look like a amazing woman but I have a boyfriend if I wasn't gay I would date you but your gorgeous as hell and you like a very funny and happy person." I said

"Its fine plus your really good with your words Ethan who ever your  boyfriend is he's lucky." The waitress says wave goodbye. I start to eat my food but Mercy slaps my shoulder "Damn Eth you really good at that I got a little fangirly and that's coming from...ME!" I just smile at her blushing a little bit.

"Maybe you guys can come to our house when I go back to Grayson." We begin to eat then they stopped "Wait hold on you and Grayson have a house a house like H.O.U.S.E" Jason says shook "Umm Yes" "What the fuck we go to you guys house?"Cameron says "Of Course and you can meet Grayson too if you'll like!" "Hell fucking yes we want to see this 'MasterPiece'!" Kyle says excitedly.

I drive back the house that we live in, in Nebraska. I walk into the house "Ethan where the hell were you?" Sean says with irritation in his voice.
"I was with friends Barney" I walk up stairs to my room and change into my sweatpants I didn't feel like wearing a shirt so I didn't.

"Ethan I know you were on Grayson's Instagram today. " Sean says with anger "No I wasn't, our phones had to be turned off in the theatre." Sean interrupts me "We tapped all your phones idiot!" "Oh... I was seeing how Grayson was doing and he's looking really sexy!" I said with a smirk.

I was about to walk away when my yells something "Grayson doesn't love you anymore goddamn it." I turn around with my blood boiling with rage. "You don't know anything about Grayson and you don't know that!!" I yell in this voice that kind of scaring me a lil bit not gonna lie.

"I do know" Sean grumbles pinching the bridge of his nose "What?" I say all sorts of confused "Fuck it umm Ethan G-Grayson is dating someone"

That's when I went numb.

Hi gorgeous people I hope you enjoy
this chapter.Gotta Blast. ENJOY💖

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