Chapter 4: Academy Day, part 1

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Naruto sat toward the back and waited for the games to beginning. As he entered the building, he saw the teachers giving him the look. He ignored it as best as he can but he was still worried about what they had planned. He began to wonder who was going to be his instructor for the next five years. The door opened and in came the instructor from early. Iruka was his name he remembered.

"Ok class, let's settle down." He said. The class was still a little rowdy. "Class," They still ignored. Iruka took a deep breath. "SIT DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP!" he roared. The class quickly shut up and began to wonder how he did that with his head. Iruka returned to normal after getting their attention. "Listen for your name," Iruka read out each name that was on his list. When he reached Naruto's name he paused for a short while.

Iruka knew who he was and was very impartial toward him. His parents died while fighting the Kyuubi and hated the demon for it. He knew that Naruto wasn't the Kyuubi but he couldn't help but be angry. Still, he was an instructor and it he would not follow the crowd when it came to him. He would still be impartial and just wait and see.

"Ok, we'll begin with a little history." Iruka said, causing some to groan. 'First question, what two clans founded Konohagakure no Sato?" He looked around and his eyes landed on Naruto. "Uzumaki, answer the question." Naruto stood and faced him.

"Konohagakure no Sato was found by the Senju clan, led by Hashirama Senju, and the Uchiha clan, led by Madara Uchiha." Naruto answered.

"Very good Uzumaki, you may be seated." Iruka said. Naruto sat down and Iruka continued with the lesson.

Naruto stood along with everyone else outside. They were lined up in five, each line facing a wooden target. Each target had five spots with bull's eyes. Naruto watched as everyone threw their shurikens. Some of them were just awful while others were decent. This one girl was amazing as she hit every target dead-on. She would be real scary when she graduated.

It was now his turn and he stood at the line. The guy who was watching his line glared at him but he quickly changed his look and handed him some shuriken. Naruto didn't miss the glare and noticed that these were different shuriken. He sighed and looked at the target. In seconds, eight shuriken hit each bull's eye. While it wasn't dead on, it was close enough. The instructor was surprised that those shuriken made it to the dummy. He frowned but Naruto had all ready moved to the end of the line.

Naruto ducked and weaved as the instructor lashed out at him. He heard Iruka tell the guy to take it easy but he ignored him and continued his assault. He noticed that he was beginning to get winded so he stopped dodging. The instructor hit the ground when Naruto's fist connected with his gut. The instructor was taking deep breaths while Iruka walked up to him.

"Uzumaki, this was a spar! There was no need to hit him that hard!" Iruka shouted.

"Sorry sensei, I didn't control my strength." Naruto apologized.

"I won't take points off this time but in the future, you will control you strength when sparring." Iruka commanded.

"Hai sensei!" Naruto walked out of the circle while Iruka checked on his fellow instructor.

Naruto walked out of the academy, taking in the glares from the parents that came for their kids. He wasn't expecting anyone since he knew that the Hokage would be busy. He sighed as he walked back to the Sarutobi compound.

"Naruto," someone called out. Naruto looked around until he laid eyes on Toshiko. She had Konohamaru with her and was joined by a bearded man.

"Toshiko-neesan, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked in surprised.

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