Chapter 19: Race to the Capitol, part 2

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Great news readers.

I just got my computer for my school and so I don't have to ask my parents every time I want to update the story so more coming in the future.

I think this story is starting to get a lot more readers so I would like to have it get into the top 5 in any category that I have.

Have a presentation due tomorrow so catch you later.

Anko and Gai were not moving at top speed. They moved at normal speed just to give the illusion to their pursuers. It would take them a while but they managed to cut them off and surround them. The two Jonin stood and faced the bandits. They pulled out their weapons and gave the two dirty looks.

"We've had enough of you and your brats. You will hand over that scroll NOW!" one of the bandits shouted.

"You want the scroll?" Anko asked in a cute voice. "Sorry to say, you picked the wrong group."

"Yes, soon our youthful students would have handed the scroll to the samurai." Gai added. The bandits snarled at them.

"KILL THEM!" the bandit shouted and they charged at the two. Anko just had a sick smile on her face and raised both of her hands toward the charging bandits.

"Sen'eijashu! (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)" Anko called out. Several black mambas shot out at them. They bit into them, making them fall down. Anko then jumped over a sword strike and landed on the man's shoulders. She flipped back, bringing the attacker with her, and slamming his head into the ground. She was quickly on her feet and pulled out two kunai. She began to parry attacks and cutting people up.

Gai was running through them with amazing speed. He broke bones, busted jaws and caused severe internal damage to anyone stupid enough to attack him. With cries of Konoha Senpū (Leaf Whirlwind) and Konoha Kaiganshō (Leaf Rock Destroying Rise), the bandits were quickly dealt with. When it was over, the bandits laid on the ground either dead or unconscious.

"Well, that wasn't too tough of a workout." Anko said with a little disappointment.

"Now is not the time Anko. We must check on our students." Gai said.

"Fine, let's get going." Anko said. The two took off, this time at faster speeds.

Jakken, Tenten and Yakumo continued on their way to the capitol. They were moving to accommodate for Yakumo. Thought her physical strength had improved under Anko, she was not one for stamina like her two teammates. As they continued to run, they heard the sounds of agony coming from behind them. By the amount of voices, they realized that a group of bandits were following them. Suddenly the noise stopped.

"You think that they got the message?" Tenten asked.

"I'm pretty sure that they did. I mean, my traps would have taken out any one." Jakken boasted.

"Oh please, an academy student could have seen that trap you set." Tenten said.

"It was meant to be seen as a decoy to activate the real trap. What about you? What's with you and chains?" Jakken said.

"What does that mean?" Tenten asked in a threaten tone.

"It means, that it wasn't a good trap. 'Oh wow, chains shoot out from nowhere and blocked our path. We have to turn back and forget about pursuing them.' Please." Jakken mocked.

"Why don't you go to hell Jakken?" Tenten snarled.

"Why don't you kiss my ass 'Buns'?" Jakken spat. The two ended up glaring at each other, sparks coming out of their eyes. Yakumo just sighed and shook her head. She could just see these two later in years. She wouldn't be surprised if the two ended up sleeping with one another. She couldn't wait to get away from the arguing couple.

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