Chapter 32 - The First Stage: Escape from Ibiki

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Team Anko walked up the side of the academy instead of entering through the doors. They really didn't have to but they figured that they should enter the building like ninja. They arrived on the third floor and made their way toward the main room. They were surprised to see their sensei with a bunch of other sensei. Anko saw them and was shocked.

"Wow, I didn't expect you guys to reach up here so fast." Anko said.

"We entered the ninja way." Naruto said. Anko just smirked at them and then to the others. She presented her team like they were the best to the other jōnin.

"Well, I wish you guys luck but you don't really need it. Watch out for each other and do me proud." Anko said.

"Hai sensei!" the said and entered the main room. Once inside, they picked a spot in the room so that they could see who comes in. They waited and watched as the teams came filing in. Team after team filed into the room and Yakumo narrowed her eyes.

"This is way too much competition. I was sure that the examiners would have had genjutsu traps laid out around the building." Yakumo said.

"It looks like someone may have spoiled the surprise." Jakken said. That's when they saw Team Gai enter the room. They saw them and gave them a nod. They nodded back and picked a spot. The next familiar team they saw was the Suna siblings. Gaara and Naruto locked eyes before they moved to a different spot of the room.

"It seems that he hasn't heeded my warning. I will have to do something about that." A female voice said. Naruto noticed her voice instantly and pulled out his staff. The end of it was right in her face. Some turned to see what the commotion was about. A dark chuckle escaped the female's lips before she removed the hood to reveal Midoshi. "It seems you recognized my voice."

"So, you're the one that Gaara told me about? I didn't figure you to hold a grudge." Naruto said.

"You think that I'm out to kill you? Oh perish the thought Naruto-kun." Midoshi said. That got Naruto to blink owlishly at her. "Why would I want to kill you when you are so interesting? That power of yours, I don't think I've been so overwhelmed in my life. I need you alive so that I can defeat that power of yours." Naruto didn't like the way she send that and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You don't know what you're asking for Midoshi." Naruto said seriously.

"Oh, I know what I want Naruto-kun and I will get it. Just survive long enough to have our rematch. I will be waiting." Midoshi said and made her way pass them to go to her team. Naruto relaxed a little as Yakumo and Jakken flanked him.

"I know that this sounds ridiculous but I could have sworn that she was flirting with you." Jakken said. Yakumo looked at him with annoyance.

"That's what's going through your head? You're not worried at all about the fact that Midoshi is here and may want Naruto's life? Let's not forget the psychotic red-head that also wants our teammate dead." Yakumo said.

"I'm not trying to sound insensitive but it looked like she was flirting with him. You guys kind of agree with me right?" Jakken asked a couple of Taki genin.

"He has point. The way she kind of walked away wasn't just for show." The genin said. Jakken gave Yakumo a look who just sighed at him. Naruto chuckled at their antics until something got his attention. He turned to see a teenager with one of the genin who graduated six months ago. He was holding a card and was facing Sasuke. The reason this got him interested because he heard his name called.

"Uzumaki Naruto, age thirteen, rank genin. He is a member of team thirteen, teammates Kurama Yakumo and Watanabe Jakken, sensei Mitarashi Anko. They have quite a mission record with fifty D-rank mission, three C-rank mission and two of them got bumped up to B-rank. They have done a B-rank mission and an A-rank mission. It says hear that they were credited with Gatō's removal. His taijutsu, ninjutsu & bojutsu are really high while his genjutsu is unknown. He is also very skilled in fūinjutsu and Kekkai ninjutsu. On a special note, he was trained at an early age by the Sandaime Hokage and has been taught by the Gama-Sennin (Toad Hermit), Jiraiya. Wow, this guy sounds like he's no joke." The teenager said. Team Anko narrowed their eyes at the boy.

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