Side Stories: Team Anko's Night Time Mayhem

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The owner of the restaurant couldn't believe how stupid his waiter was. How the hell could he have not seen the situation that was in front of him? All over the table, there were ten large bottles of sake. The women and three teenagers were clearly under the influence of the drink as they kept giggling at nothing. He sighed and knew that he had to get some new help. What he couldn't believe was that the woman allowed these kids to drink so much.

A drunken team Anko was giggling and laughing at jokes that didn't make any sense. Anko was only going to drink as much as she could so that she could watch as her team act like idiots but the call of the sake was too strong. Now, she was just as wasted as they are. Suddenly, she got an idea in her head.

"Hey guys, we should do something tonight. We should do something fun tonight." Anko said. That's when Naruto slammed his hand on the table.

"I know what we can do!" he exclaimed. "We... should prank... the village." Naruto said in a way that would be interesting.

"That is awesome. That is just freaking awesome!" Jakken cheered.

"Alright then, let's get going!" Anko exclaimed and rallied her troops. They paid for the meal and drink then were out the door. The owner, waiters and customers all looked at the door that the team just left through.

"Should we alert the Hokage?" asked one of the customers.

"Are you insane? I'm not leaving this place. Didn't you just hear what they are about to do?" said her companion.

"I'll keep the place open until it is over." The owner said. He turned to one of his waiters. "Lock the doors and pull down the shades." He felt bad for those on the outside but he wasn't about to get caught in that storm that was about to happen.

Kakashi was walking along reading his book, unaware of the evil that was about to be unleashed. He made his way to his apartment but he suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked up from his book but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

"Hey Kakashi," A sexy voice called out to him. He turned to see Anko who had returned to wearing her old clothes. He noticed that her trench coat was down to her waist. She had this coy smile on her which put him on edge. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Well, I was going to catch up on my reading. What about you?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm bored and drunk and I need some action. What do you say? I'll even let you keep the mask on." Anko said coyly. Kakashi had to think really hard about this. He knew Anko's reputation and thought that it had changed when she got a team. Still, this was Anko and a drunken Anko to boot. He watched as Anko un-crossed and re-crossed her legs, giving him a good view of what she wasn't wearing. That made him his decision all the more clear.

He was about to answer her when he suddenly felt sleepy. He was confused as he dropped to a knee. He looked up to see two Ankos and her two male members before passing out. The Anko in her original clothing disappeared to reveal Yakumo. Anko looked at her female student.

"Nice going Yakumo, now let's get that mask off." They did and were surprised and how good he looked. Anko had this wide smile on her face.

"Well now, I wouldn't mind a little fun with Kakashi." Anko said.

"Let's take the picture." Jakken said. Naruto did just that and pocketed the camera. Anko saw the book on the ground and picked it up. She knew what 'Icha Icha' was and knew every pervert had one. She was curious as to what was in it. She decided to keep it for a while and see what all the fuss was about. Jakken looked at the downed Kakashi.

"It seems lame just to keep him like this." Jakken said.

"Oh, we're now done yet. Get his legs; I have a place to take him." Naruto said.

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