Chapter 12: Power of a Team

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Jakken dodged another lunge of the rattlesnake. He countered by throwing several shuriken at its exposed side. They didn't seem to phase it as the serpent attempted to crush him with its rattle tail. Jakken rolled out of the way and started to launch more shuriken. The rattlesnake's head was his target and he distracted it with his very good aim.

Clone Naruto struck from above and stabbed the snake in the neck. It roared and drove its head toward the wall to dislodge the clone. The clone jumped as the rattlesnake crashed into the wall. The clone and Jakken stood together as the rattle snake shook the cobwebs out.

"Alright, this has gone on long enough. It's time to get serious." Jakken said and he reached into his backpack. He pulled out a weapon and prepared himself to fight. The clone looked at the weapon and saw that he was holding a kusarigama. The blade of the sickle was a bit longer that a regular kusarigama and it was curved to look like a hook. The ball end of the weapon had spikes surrounding it.

Jakken began to spin the chain with the ball attachment and moved slowly to his left. The rattlesnake followed his movement and readied itself to strike. It made its move and rocketed toward Jakken. Jakken jumped back and landed on the wall. Using his chakra, he pushed himself off the wall and jumped toward the ceiling at an amazing speed. The snake missed him by inches and slammed into the wall.

He wasted no movement and launched his weapon at the rattlesnake. The chain was long enough and it wrapped around the snake's neck, the spiked ball digging into its skin. Jakken pulled himself forward and landed on the snake. He then proceeded to stab the snake repeatedly. The rattlesnake franticly tried to get him off. Jakken continue his assault of the snake, gripping the chain so that he wouldn't fall off.

The snake was angry and used its rattle tail to attack. Jakken barely saw it coming and had to stop hacking to avoid it. The snake then began to move its head. The movement of its head loosen the chain. With a final lift the chain was loose enough for escape. It caught the chain in its mouth and flung Jakken toward the wall. Jakken hit the wall hard and slid to the ground with a groan. Seeing the offender in his sights, the snake made a lunge.

"Jakken, close your eyes!" the clone shouted. Jakken did as he was told and the clone threw several paper balls at the incoming snake. When it was close enough the balls exploded and consumed the room in a black powder. Naruto, who had on goggles, picked up Jakken and made his way out of the room. The snake was slamming itself against the walls and howled in pain.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Jakken asked.

"Yeah, we're out of the room." Clone Naruto said. Jakken opened his eyes and began to fall in step with the clone.

"What the hell did you do pipsqueak?" he asked.

"Homemade pepper bombs, I never leave home without them. They are way stronger than any regular one." The clone explained. Jakken nodded and the two continued to run. Their run was cut short when the rattlesnake slammed into the both of them, sending them flying across the hall and into a room.

Jakken landed on a table that was filled with beakers. The glass scraped him up but not too badly. When he and the clone looked up they saw that the snake was not happy. It hissed and opened its mouth wide. The clone kicked Jakken away as the rattlesnake descended. Jakken rolled for a bit and saw that the snake had the clone in its jaw. He growled at the snake as its jaw closed.

Now he was alone and the snake would turn its attention to him.

'What I wouldn't give for a Katon jutsu right now. What the hell is that smell?' he wondered. He realized that it was him. He took a look of his surroundings and saw that the room was filled with beakers, all of them had a liquid in them. 'Could they be chemicals?' An idea came to Jakken. He began to twirl his kusarigama at different angles. It moved in a way that the rattlesnake had trouble getting to him. It hissed when the weapon cut its skin if it got close. Jakken's weapon was also breaking the beakers around the room. The chemicals began to fall on the ground and pooled together.

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