Chapter 44: Prelude to the Finals

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It was five days until the Chūnin exam finals would begin. Naruto and Jiraiya entered the village in the afternoon hour. Naruto looked dirty and his clothes were torn up from the training that he went through. Jiraiya had a few smudges on his clothes but nothing bad. Naruto looked different from his trails in the ruins of Uzushiogakure (Hidden Whirlpool). He had improved quickly due to the training that had been suggested by Kakashi, Naruto was at least twice as strong as he was a year ago. The Kage Bunshin training method allowed Naruto to learn several ninjutsu techniques and fūinjutsu. Jiraiya worked on his physical strength, strategy and chakra pool. He had also improved his relationship with the Gama clan and was able to work with Gamariki.

Naruto stretched as he entered the gates.

"It feels good to be back." Naruto said.

"That it does boy." Jiraiya said with a smile. He was very proud of his godson. He was stubborn when it came to their training but he stuck with it and grew. "Anyway, I would go and get some new clothes. Remember, no more heavy training. Just relax and do some light training."

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to tell me all the time you know. I'm not that hard headed." Naruto complained. Some people who passed by them, snorted in amusement at the statement. Jiraiya laughed while Naruto pouted.


The sounds of steel rang through the Forrest of Death. Jakken and Tenten dashed at each other and clashed. They tried to gain an advantage on each other as they were locked. They pushed away and landed across from each other. Jakken spun one of the sickles of his new kurisagama as Tenten slipped into a stance with her staff. The two narrowed their eyes at each other began pushing off their back legs. Just as they were about to clash again, a kunai stopped them. They looked up into the trees to see Anko sitting on a branch.

The jōnin looked at the two genin with some respect. Jakken had learned how to use his new weapon in the short amount of time. His taijutsu had improved and he had learned a few more Raiton jutsu. Tenten had improved in close combat, Anko showing her how to use all the weapons in her arsenal. Now, she didn't launch all her weapons in bulk and could hang with a few chūnin level opponents. She also taught her some support jutsu to help her be more useful to her team. In all, she was proud of the two and happy at their improvement.

"Okay you two that will be enough training for the rest of the week. Jakken, continue to work with your new weapon but do only light training. That goes both for you Tenten. Just relax and go on that date that you two have been avoiding." Anko joked.

"S-Shut up! I've told you a dozen damn times that I don't like him! He's not my type!" Tenten exclaimed.

"The feeling is mutual and I have told you to just ignore her. She is just trying to rile you up." Jakken said calmly.

"That's easy for you to say. You're use to her and I'm not." Tenten said.

"She's a lot better than Gai though." Jakken said. Tenten really had no comment for that. Anko just smirked.


Yakumo sat in a meditative position. Unkai and Kurenai watched as she began to channel the power of the Ido. Her hair whipped in the air and her aura was visible for all to see. She held that position for a complete hour before stopping. She pitched forward and took some deep breaths. After a while she relaxed and stood up. Unkai walked up to her with a small smile.

"You did much better than before Yakumo. I believe that this will be enough for the finals. Just remember that feeling you get when you begin to lose control and activate the seal." Unkai said.

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