Chapter 27 - Doing the Wave, part 1

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Team Anko was moving through the trees at a fast pace. They were packed light just so that they could reach their destination quickly. Why they were so urgent to get to their destination could be summarized by the meeting they had two hours ago.


Team Anko stood in front of the Hokage with their packs. They were called off a D-rank mission and told to pack. They appeared in front of the Hokage and awaited the situation. Hiruzen faced them with a serious expression.

"A day ago, I received a message from Team Kakashi. They are currently on a C-rank mission to protect a bridge builder to Nami no Kuni (Land of Wave). However, the situation has greatly changed. They were ambushed by the Oni Kyōdai (Demon Brothers). They were dealt with but new information surfaced. It seems that the client, Tazuna, lied about the mission parameters." Hiruzen explained.

"What is the truth sir?" Anko asked.

"It seems that Tazuna is being hunted by Gatō, of Gatō Kanpanī. He is out to stop Tazuna from completing a bridge that would connect Nami no Kunai with the mainland. Apparently, Gatō is not who he presents himself to be.This mission has been bumped up to a B-rank mission because of what Gatō may do next." Hiruzen explained.

"You may wish to bump that up to an A-rank mission sir." Jakken said. "I've read the bingo books and the Oni Kyōdai are known associates with the Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Mist)."

"Yes, they were with Momochi Zabuza when he defected." Anko added.

"Very well then, your mission is to assist Team Kakashi in protecting the bridge builder. You are to leave immediately." Hiruzen ordered.

"Yes sir!" they all said and vanished.


Anko turned her head slightly to face her teammates.

"Okay, we're about a day from the shore. We're not going to stop to gain passage to Nami. We'll rest, rebuild our chakra and run across. Am I understood?" Anko asked.

"Hai sensei." They all said.

It took about a day and a half to reach Nami. Team Anko move stealth fully into the lands and looked for any trace of Team Kakashi. Anko figured that they would have caught up with them by now. They searched for a while before the smell of battle caught Anko's attention. They moved silently to the location and found what looked to be the battleground.

"This must have been one hell of a party. Let's spread out and look for a trail." Anko ordered. They did just that and checked the battleground. Jakken noticed a deep slice in one of the trees.

"Sensei, it looks like they encountered Zabuza. This gash could have only been made with a huge sword." Jakken reported.

"The ground is a bit soggy. It looks like they were doing battle on the lake." Naruto added.

"Let's follow the trail." Anko said. As they followed the soggy trail, they found some blood on a tree and four kunai lying on the ground. Anko picked up one of them and observed it.

"This is one of ours, I can tell by the quality. So it looks like Kakashi won the fight but where's the body?" Anko asked.

"Sensei, I found some foot prints and one drag mark. It looks like they went this way." Yakumo said.

"Alright, let's get moving." Anko ordered. The team followed the prints, erasing them as they moved.

They arrived to a house that was on a lake. Anko was very concerned as there wasn't even a security system put in place. She saw no one guarding the place and was very concerned that they might have arrived too late. Anko made some hand motions to her team and they nodded. They moved on the house from all angles. Yakumo looked into the home and was surprised to see the team doing nothing but sit around. She gave Anko the situation using sign language.

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