Chapter 50 - The Invasion, part 1

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Gaara roared as he held his shoulder. He used his sand to stem the bleeding and then thrust his hand forward. The sand rushed at Kakashi who was holding Sasuke in his arms. Kakashi jumped out of the way and kept on his toes. He wasn't about to get caught in that sand. Genma attempted to help by firing the senbon in his mouth but the sand protected him. Gaara lashed out at him as well. Gaara was crazed and wanted the death of the boy who had just hurt him. He would not get away.

That's when he felt someone coming for his left. He turned only to get punched in the face. He looked to see it was Naruto. With a growl, a spear of sand impaled him in the chest. However, Naruto burst into smoke, revealing him to be a clone. Naruto appeared through the smoke, his fist already being thrown.

"Fūton: Senpūken! (Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist)" Gaara was sent flying in the air after a giant, adaptable whirlwind slammed into his chest. Gaara hit the wall and was sent through it. It did not stop him as he went through several trees and a house. Naruto stood there and released a breath. He knew that this would not hold Gaara down. He looked at Kakashi. "Get Sasuke out of here!" Kakashi did not want to leave Naruto but he knew that he could come back quickly. He vanished, leaving Genma with him. Naruto turned his attention back to the hole. The explosion of the competitors' box did not distract him.

From out of the dust, Temari flew out on her fan. She coughed a little before turning her attention back to the smoke. That when several shuriken came flying toward her. She jumped off and used her fan to blow them away. The wind jutsu suddenly dispelled the shuriken to reveal explosive notes. The explosion sent Temari crashing into the ground. She quickly shook off the cobwebs and got to her feet. She opened her fan and kept her eyes on her surroundings.

"I know that you're around here! Show yourself!" Temari shouted.

"Very well." Yakumo's voice said in her ear. Temari spun quickly to dodge the strike. She closed her fan and raised it in one fluid motion. Yakumo dodged the clubbing blow and moved to catch Temari with her dagger. Temari swung her fan, making Yakumo block it. Yakumo was sent a few feet before skidding to a stop. Yakumo got into her stance as did Temari. The two faced each other on the other side of the field.

Kankuro jumped out into the streets and took off. Jakken was after him and tossed one of his sickles at Kankuro. Kankuro jumped away and slammed his shoulder into a door. He entered the house and removed the puppet from his back. He immediately fired several senbon at Jakken who just entered. Jakken was forced back as he defended himself from the barrage. When it was over, Jakken got into his stance and waited. The puppet appeared in front of the door and faced him.

"Heh, staying behind your doll huh? That's a safe bet but don't think that it will help you in this fight." Jakken said.

"Well aren't we cocky? Don't think you'll get in my head like you did my sister. I'm not one to lose my cool like that." Kankuro said from behind his puppet. Jakken just readied himself and prepared for the fight of his life.


Kakashi quickly fixed the bone in Sasuke's arm. It hurt the boy but he could not be gentle. There was a battle going on and he needed to get back into it. He fashioned a sling for the arm and carefully placed the arm in the sling. He looked to see Sakura and Shikamaru. He quickly summoned something. When the smoke cleared, it was a small pug. He took a sniff and decided to call them out.

"Sakura, Shikamaru, Shino, front and center NOW!" Kakashi commanded. Shino quickly arrived while Sakura took her time due to the flying weaponry. Shikamaru groaned and made his way to the group as well. "This is an A-rank mission. I need you three to take Sasuke and Lee to a shelter. You are to stay there until further instruction. Is that understood?"

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