Chapter 43: Hell Month, final part

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Eighteen Days until the Finals

Kurenai had a lot on her mind since speaking with Uroko. She had a point that she was no longer that woman from before. She would gather the courage to face her past and push on through. That is what she was doing right now. She had called Yakumo away from the compound so that they could settle things between them. She turned to her left as Yakumo appeared into the clearing. Yakumo walked up to her and faced her with a scowl. Kurenai kept a neutral expression as the two faced each other.

"So, you want to settle our differences? Why now? You didn't care before." Yakumo started.

"You're right but I figure that was wrong of me. I was ashamed and scared about what I did. Yakumo, I did wrong by you and I understand if you can't forgive me but I am sorry for everything that I did." Kurenai said.

"You're sorry? That's all you have to say?!" Yakumo snarled.

"What do you want me to say? I didn't know how to handle your power. I felt that it would have destroyed you and you were already too fragile in body. I did what I thought was best." Kurenai explained.

"And how did that work out? You couldn't even seal my power off right and it nearly cost me my parents. You think that saying sorry is going to change that? Tell me, Kurenai-sensei, is a normal sorry going to take that back?" Yakumo demanded.

"What do you want from me Yakumo? What can I do to make this right?"

"You can't do anything! Do you know how hurtful it was when I heard you tell the Sandaime that I was useless?! Did you know how much it hurt that you just abandoned me?! You crushed my dream of becoming a kunoichi, something I wanted to be for so long! Why, why did you crush my dream?! Why did you abandon me?!" Yakumo roared. Yakumo dropped to her knees and began to cry her eyes out. Kurenai couldn't believe that she had caused such pain. She moved up to the crying girl and embraced her. Yakumo struggled to get away but Kurenai would not let go. After a while, Yakumo stopped struggling and just wept. They stayed like that for a good while.


Kurenai and Yakumo sat in silence after their little hugging session. They just looked at the vision of the village and said nothing. The silence was finally broken by Kurenai.

"Do you feel any better?" she asked.

"A little," Yakumo said. There was another silence but this one was much shorter. "I'm still pretty mad at you. I don't think that I could stop being mad at you. However, I'm willing to put it past us and try to work with you. I could use the help." Yakumo said.

"I can agree with that. We have eighteen days left. I will not go easy on you, mainly because I know your sensei well. I believe that you can take it." Kurenai said.

"Thank you... Kurenai-sensei." Yakumo said softly. Kurenai smiled a little and the two just continued to watch the village.


Jakken dodged another volley from Tenten as he closed in on her. Tenten pulled out her three section staff and meet the charge. The two engaged in a brief weapons battle until Tenten backed away. Jakken wouldn't let her, managing to discreetly wrap his chain around her leg. He pulled her down and she hit the ground hard. Jakken then channeled a little lightning to give her a small jolt. Tenten screamed before throwing the chain off her. She quickly jumped to her feet and was in Jakken's face.

"What the hell?! I said no damn lightning!" Tenten roared.

"Oh stop acting like a drama queen. It was a small shock." Jakken waved her off. Tenten was about to erupt when Anko arrived. Looking at the two and seeing that they were in such close proximity, Anko had a small grin on her face.

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