Multiple Soulmates

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In this world, there are multiple soulmates that could work for each person. Everyone has their own personal timer, which, after activating it, indicates the exact time you'll meet your 'first soulmate'.

But not all your soulmates are going to have mutual feelings. Ex. You meet someone that's YOUR 'soulmate', but that doesn't always mean that your THEIR soulmate.

If the first soulmate doesn't work mutually as stated above, your timer immediately sets a new amount of time indicating when you'll meet your second soulmate.


Someone hasn't even pressed their timer

Parents pressing their kid's timer at a young age

Parents who hide their children's timer to let them focus on studies first

People who's timer's never work anymore no matter how many times they've pressed it (cause they already found their true soulmate so now they gotta figure out who they are)

People who aren't even born with a timer since their soulmate was born in the same ward as them in a very similar time. Thus, there was no such need for a timer in the first place.

People who never want to leave the house because they don't wanna have that possibility of falling for someone who isn't their soulmate

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