Dark Eyes

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In this world everyone is mainly born with a light/different colored eyes. Someone having dark eyes would mean their soulmate has fallen out of love with them, thus turning them into 'outcasts' of society.

Ideas/possibilities I've thought of for this scenario:

- One eye maintained it's original color, and the other eye lost it's color (could be that you have two soulmates and one of them fell out of love with you and one stayed in love with you)

- Someone already born with dark eyes

- The lighter your eyes are, the deeper your soulmate's love for you is. People with really light/bright colored eyes are usually considered as 'lucky in love'/are generally highly thought of.

- Someone lost their/one of their eyes in an accident/got a prosthetic eye instead.

- A player who doesn't believe that they deserve a soulmate spends their whole life not caring about commitment, but is already dating someone just for the hell of it/they're a flirt/they're bored, etc. But the person they're dating is unaware of their half-assed 'feelings.' One day the player finally break ties with their partner because they got tired of them. And, for the first time, they see their light eyes turn jet black after the break up.

- After divorce, someone's eyes had turned dark. And it has been like that for the longest time. But after meeting someone new, they're shocked to see their eyes regaining color for the first time in many many years. But the thing is, they don't know who it was just yet.

- Two people with dark eyes have fallen in love with each other, despite what every one says about both of them being 'bad luck'

- Two people finally break up due to difficulties in the relationship/one of them got too busy to spend time/it just wasn't working out anymore. So they broke up for the better, but still remain as friends. The other person [Person A] however, still loves [Person B]. But in a series of events, personB has slowly been falling in love with someone new, while personA is left to watch as personB's eyes grow brighter with the new partner, while his/her eyes are slowly turning more and more black as the days pass.

- In an accident, a couple is rushed to the hospital, only to find out that one of them [PersonC] has only suffered minor concussions and injuries, while the other one, [PersonD] suffered a fatal blow to the head, etc. This results in a memory loss for personD. But one shocking thing personC has discovered is that their eyes no longer hold the bright color they used to; confirming that personD truly has lost the majority of their memories, including their love.

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