Multiple Ideas #2

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In this world, your soulmate's birth time, date, and place is calculated through astrology the moment you are born/before you are born.

You lose one of your senses when you kiss your soulmate. (Anywhere on the body)

- Some couples never want to kiss, in fear of losing a valuable sense like sight or taste, that could put their career or daily life in jeopardy (chef, pilot, musician, etc.)

- Some people intentionally got married to others who aren't their soulmate, even though the act is looked down upon in society.

- You accidentally kiss your crush during a school dance. Later on, you realize that you haven't lost one of your senses, and become upset to know that your crush wasn't your soulmate. After the dance, your friends invite you to eat out, and to your shock, you realize that you cannot taste anything anymore.

- Dying couples kissing each other for the first and last time as their hearing/vision fades.

- Couples kissing one another and realizing they
haven't lost one of their senses.

- Elementary kids kissing their crushes (on the cheeks idk) as a dare, and later forgetting about it years later after moving away. Later on they realize who their soulmate is and spend their days searching for them again, no matter the distance or circumstance. The title of the book could be 'Finding You' or something.

People don't grow any hair until they meet their soulmate.

Bonus: People in this world are born with hair. You grow up having that same length of hair you were originally born with. Additionally, if you cut it, it stays like that until you meet your soulmate.

Your soulmate is the only person in the world who could make you laugh. But meeting your soulmate is rare, and many people don't know the feeling of laughter. Another downside could be that in order to get married to certain people, some tend to fake a laugh.

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