Chapter 3: Class Has Started

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It sucks that Anna and I only have one class together! Well, we still share a lunch, but I miss having her in multiple classes. I'll have to bug her about taking another cooking class next year. 

Sitting through nonstop introductions and syllabus briefings drove me insane. It was all the same, no matter what class I was in. During these tedious times, I let my mind wander wherever it wanted. I had time and I didn't have to seriously pay attention, so what was the harm?

Mainly, one thought that plagued my mind was how much I missed Anna. I just saw her this morning; I didn't have to wait long to see her for lunch! Why did I feel a deep longing just to see her smiling face? 

Just a half an hour left of Fleurian; I've had this class before, I know the drill. The ticking of the clock lulled me into a trance, nearly knocking me to sleep. It took a sharp elbow to my side from Sully to break my daze. I glared at my friend, rubbing my abused hip. I've been elbowed a lot, today. 

"I know this is boring as all get out, but Mademoiselle will kill you if you fall asleep," Sully whispered.

"Thanks for lookin' out for me..." I sighed back, rolling my eyes. As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. She certainly takes no prisoners, that's for sure.


My last few classes before lunch went off without a hitch. My first hour was History, which I shared with Sumia and Kellam. Second hour was Fleurian 2, Sully and Cherche accompanying me (even though those two were crazy fluent). My third hour was my elective, Marketing -- which I took with Frederick. My fourth hour was my elective science (which was an optional course) in which I decided to take Kinesiology. After those four hours, it was lunchtime, but following were my last two: Algebra (with Cordelia, Sumia, and Vaike) and then Honors English.

The cafeteria was a jungle, especially on the first day. Who would get the best table? Who would sit down first? Where would each clique stake their claim? It was a rowdy, crowded mess. The smell of crappy school food filled the air, cut only by the sharp fragrance of Anna's salad and Gaius's sugar. Now that everyone was seated, there would be peace. Maybe.

"Thank the gods, the day is almost over!" I groaned as I sat down.

"Just two more hours!" Olivia agreed as she pulled back her long, pink hair. I honestly couldn't believe how long she managed to keep that thing, especially being a dancer and all.

Cordelia sighed, picking at her sandwich. "It's weird, not having Sumia around. We've had lunch together since middle school!"

Stahl shifted awkwardly, unsure of what to do. "W-would you want to switch lunch periods if you could?" he asked, nerves lacing his voice.

Poor Stahl, he's crushing super hard on Cordelia since...well, as long as I could remember. I bet he'd be heartbroken if she did end up switching, but he'll get over it.

Cordelia shook her head, fingers lightly brushing the winged hair clip she always wore, Sumia owning the matching one. "No, she wouldn't want me to mess up my schedule just for her," she said. "Plus, she and Frederick share a lunch. I would be the third wheel."

"That's fair," Gaius spoke, already finished with his sweets and searching his bag for more.

Anna giggled - a sound that was music to my ears - tossing her salad with a plastic fork. "You're going to have a sugar crash before lunch is even over, Gaius!"

The ginger looked her dead in the eye as he unwrapped a piece of candy. "The day I crash is the day I die."

"Alrighty, then."

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my lunch wrap. "I can tell this lunch period will be a strange one, that's for sure."

"Why do I have to be the collective impulse control of everyone?" Olivia asked, amused.

"Livi, if you want me to go into the complicated tree of the squad's impulse control, I will," Anna warned. "It's a lengthy one, I tell ya."

The dancer flinched back. "Um, never mind! I'll take your word for it!" she exclaimed.

She's explained it to me once before...what was it again? I can't remember if I am Anna's impulse control or she's mine. Wait, I think Olivia is Anna's and Anna is mine. Right? Then whose am I? I think Stahl. Or is it Vaike? Dammit, I need the list again.

Well, if I can only be right on one thing, I know what it is: this really will be a strange lunch period. Gods, I can't wait.

No joke, I literally have a list of my squad's impulse control buddies. I can't remember who mine is off the top of my head; it's either my best friend or my girlfriend. XD Also, I'm pretty sure all my friends hate me for my lunch. I always eat caesar salads and if ya don't know what that is, just know it sticks. Like, really sticks. But I like it and I'm trying to be healthy so deal wit it. XD Yeah, that's all I got. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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