Chapter 8: Trick or Hypothermia?

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"Are you sure you want to keep going? It's getting pretty cold," my boyfriend asked, concern lacing his voice. 

I shook my head, raindrops falling away like they were nothing. "No. We're already this far, there's no going back."

Halloween: the best holiday of the year. You get to dress up in fun costumes, partake in spooky festivities, and get free candy; what's not to love? As any loving girlfriend would, I forced my boyfriend into wearing a costume with me: Buttercup and Westley from my favorite movie, The Princess Bride. Was it basic? Absolutely. Did I care? No.

Of course, the weather had to be terrible tonight. It was almost below freezing, raining, and the windchill made me want to die; however, I had to push through if it meant free candy. If I can get over an emotionally abusive father and traumatic school experiences, then I stand a bit of rain.

Chrom adjusted his mask, breathing into his gloved hands. "I mean, you're not wrong, but I'm worried about you." His eyes went to my inhaler that was carefully tucked under my dress.

Every breath was like inhaling pure ice. "I'll be fine, babe." I smiled. "This isn't my first rodeo. I'll tell you if it's too much, promise."

With a sigh, he mumbled, "As you wish..."

I stopped in my tracks, turning to him. "Did you just-"

"Maybe." His mask couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes, his drawn-on mustache crinkling with his smirk.

"Gods, I'm so attracted to you right now." I leaned up and pressed a quick kiss (if you could even call it that) to the corner of his mouth. He's your boyfriend, you shouldn't be afraid to kiss him. You've done it before.

"Dammit, I was wrong. They're still being gross," Lissa groaned as she and Maribelle caught up to us. The two were dressed as VSCO girls for some ungodly reason (although, Chrom told me it was because they procrastinated too long with their original ideas). At some point during the night, the pair of friends disappeared and went off on their own. I assumed it was around the time Chrom and me started holding hands; we've long since stopped as our pillowcases full of candy required two hands to carry.

Chrom crossed his arms. "Language, Liss."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "Like you're one to talk."

"I have to agree with your brother. Such language is unfitting for a young lady," Maribelle tutted.

"Ugh!!! You sound like my mom!" Lissa slung her bag over her shoulder, glaring at us. "Are you guys almost done? I'm freezing!"

I looked down the street, noting the sparse amount of children walking about. "I think we can hit a few more houses. We should be getting triple the amount of candy at this point, anyway."

Lissa nodded, squaring her shoulders. "I like the way you think. Let's go!"


A half hour later, I was curled up by the fire with Chrom, hot cocoa in hand and blanket tucked tightly around us. I changed out of my soaking wet costume and into some sweatpants lent to me by Lissa, and my boyfriend's hoodie. I never understood why girlfriends would steal their partner's clothes until now; there was just something about them that felt much cozier than your own...

"Did you have a good Halloween?" Chrom asked, voice hushed.

I nodded, nuzzling closer into his warmth. Something else I've learned about my boyfriend was that he was a living breathing furnace. "Mhm..." I took a sip of my cocoa, savoring the sweet taste and toastiness.

He set his mug down on the coffee table, using his newly freed hand to brush a few strands of damp hair out of my eyes. I could feel myself growing sleepier by the second, lids threatening to close.


I hummed, trying to shake my head. My boyfriend hugged me tighter, adjusting me so I would be more comfortable against him. The melodic crackling of the fire put me in a trance, softly lulling me to sleep.

I'll deal with the world later... Right now, I'm where I was always meant to be... 

And Chrom never sees that sweatshirt again. The end. Yes, I'm seventeen-year-old. Yes, I went trick-or-treating. No shame, no shame. Also, yes, it was cold as frick on Halloween and my hands lost fell off. Ahhhhh. I actually was Westley for Halloween and my tall friend was Buttercup. It was fantastic. XD Now I have more candy then I know what to do with (I'm gonna eat it is what I gonna do). Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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