What's Next?

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So as you know, I have decided to end HSY here. I know I said I wanted to write this series all through high school and finish their journey after four years. However, I'm afraid I just won't be able to deliver on that. I'm sorry. I know many of you are disappointed with this decision, trust me, no one is more than me. 

I'm sure you have all noticed the quality of each chapter has deteriorated through the months. That's because I've been experiencing extreme burnout with this series and I'm afraid that it will only continue from here. Along with that, it has felt like a chore to write some of these chapters. I don't want to give you guys forced content. That is the last thing I want.

My life is about to go through several changes. I'm a senior in high school, now; I'm going to start working very soon; I just have so many responsibilities that I needed to cut some stuff out of my life. I want to continue writing, trust me, I do, but I also want to move onto other endeavors. 

I can't write two series' consecutively anymore, as much as I'd love to. I have to do what's best for my health, plus I don't want the quality of my other work to suffer because I've saddled myself with so much. 

I'd like to think I ended High School Years on a good note. I've tied up most of the ends I needed to and hopefully left no cliffhangers. If so, please, just ask me and I will absolutely clarify something I missed/any futures that were unclear. I will probably write an epilogue at some point, along with an end card style thing for the rest of the characters.

And finally, I just want to thank you all again for your support throughout these three years; they've been one hell of a rollercoaster, I can tell you that. Throughout all of this, HSY has been a constant and almost a record of my own high school experience (except for the last half of my junior year. That was...well, I won't say anything on that XD). I'm so sorry that I have to end it like this. Really, I am. 

You all mean the world to me and I seriously don't know how I can express just how grateful I am. This was quite a journey, and I'm glad I was able to take it with you all. Thank you so so so much. Thank you.

I love you all. Thank you. <3

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