Chapter 32: The Speech

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"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Chrom Lowell and I wish to represent the Class of 2021 as your president. I understand that some of you dislike the idea of me being your student president - my surname says it all. Your wariness is completely reasonable; I'm sure I would feel the same should I be in your position. However, I'm no prince and this is no monarchy. Should you chose me as your president, I will run the student council with respect and prowess. You will not meet an individual who knows this school as much as I do and I know that as a fact.

"I grew up with school, and even the district! I've seen it through its ups and downs, the good and bad. This place has been through so many changes throughout the years and it's up to us to support those changes. I want this place to improve faster than it has before, even as our time here dwindles. The road ahead is scary, I'll be the first to admit that. But if we unite under a common ground, that road may be easier to travel.

"And I want everyone in this auditorium to know that they are valued. The world has a habit of disregarding the individual and that needs to change. Under my administration, I promise to place a heavy focus on providing aid to those who feel lost and alone. School is a major part of our lives and we need to feel comfortable coming here each and every day.

"And so, my time here is coming to a close. I hope all of you consider my words and cast your vote to me. Remember, as a united force, we can do anything; go anywhere. I want to help all of you as best I can so please: give me a chance. The future is bright, I know it, and it's up to us to seize greatness. Thank you."


Reese Hemmings: 59 votes

Chrom Lowell: 73 votes

"Congratulations to the new 2021 Class President, Chrom Lowell!"


The world around me went silent, warm relief seeping through my veins. I could barely hear the well-wishes from my friends, could hardly register the feeling of my hand in my former opponent's as we shook, and the cheers around me were deafening.

I did it... I actually did it!!

And now all that's left to do is lead my class to greatness. No pressure, right?

Y'all can tell I don't know jack squat about politics and speeches, right? The only experience I have with political speeches is a project I did in my Honors English class last year (which I kicked ass at, btw) and even then it was about Julius Caesar and running for emperor or something. Idk man. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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