Chapter 22: Rumors Abound

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"Listen, all birds have feathers. That's just common knowledge!"

"What about penguins?! They don't have them!"

"Yes, they do! They're just really thin!"

"And how do you know that? You have a secret pet penguin I don't know about?"

"Anna, I swear to Naga, if this is the reason for our relationship's demise..."

The conversations between my girlfriend and I when we were both mentally done with the world were...well, I don't know if I could properly describe them; to a sane person, at least. It was Friday, we'd been overworked all week, and we just got done with a huge test. My brain was reduced to mush. Luckily, our English teacher gave us the rest of class to relax and chat.

"You know what I want?" Anna started, placing her chin on my shoulder. "Fries. I could really go for some fries right now."

I sighed, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her chair closer to me. "We can get fries after school -- I just have to drop off Lissa at home, okay?"

She hummed in agreement, rubbing her face against my neck. Gods, she's like a kitten sometimes. It was like the rest of the class didn't exist; luckily, they were all distracted by other things to pay attention to us. Besides, they all knew Anna and I were disgustingly sweet partners.

Before I could engage in her more, Sumia plopped down across from us. "Guys! Guess what I just found!"

Anna pulled herself away, much to my dismay. "What?"

The brunette produced a flyer, sliding it over to me. "Read this!"

I pulled the paper a bit closer. "Registration for Class of 2021 Student Council elections due March 31st...oh." Since I was a part of the Student Leadership class my freshman year, I was grandfathered into the student council. We were pretty inactive, since the council of the graduating year took care of most things, but now that my year was almost exactly that, things were happening at rapid speed.

"Oh yeaaaaah... I completely forgot those were a thing!" Anna exclaimed, turning to face me. "You gonna run, Chrom?" The question caused my heart to seize.

"You totally should!" Sumia chimed in. I didn't realize it was Gang Up On Chrom Day. "You would make an amazing president!"

I held up my hands. "I-I don't know, guys..." I sighed. "I'm not the greatest leader by any means, and there are certainly better candidates!"

"Don't discount yourself, my love," Anna said. "You're a fantastic leader!"

Sumia nodded. "I agree. You've been one since we were kids!"


Anna pressed a kiss on my cheek, tucking away the flyer for me. "Give it some thought, Chrom. We can talk about it more over fries."

I chuckled, retaliating with a kiss of my own. "That's a tempting offer, my love." A very tempting one.

Sumia cooed, "You guys are too cute; I can't freaking handle it."

I stuck my tongue out at my childhood friend. I'm surrounded by weirdos. Well, loving weirdos. Still, I don't think running is a good idea. With my dad being the principal...well, let's just say it can lead to some pretty nasty rumors. Rumors I would like to avoid.


So now that Grammarly has a mood checker, every single Chrom chapter has had a sad tone. He didn't ask to be vibe checked like that but it is what it is. Y'all, I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how student council elections work as I've never experienced one, nor am I a part of it. I'm part of the Honor's Society, but that's different from the student council. Yay, high school. Prepare for some angsty Chrom. Also! Now that it is March, it is also time for the return of my Prompts! Hurray! The first prompt is called Coffee & Tea and it is very domestic and sweet. Yay. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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