Chapter 29: Long Time No See

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"So Chrom finally got the seal of approval from your uncle?"

"Just barely, but it's something."

"That's good. It would be hard to be a boyfriend without a head."

I giggled at Say'ri's phrasing, tucking my phone against my ear. "That's one way to put it." Ever since she left, Say'ri and I made sure to keep in consistent contact. It was easier said than done -- what, with the significant time-zone difference and her being in university now; however, we still managed.

"How's university treating you? You said you had some trouble with it last time we talked?"

My friend sighed on the other line, tapping her fingers against a table. "It has been solved, worry not. My parents were just being...well, themselves..."

I grimaced. "That bad?"

"I will never be as good as Yen'fey, they say."

I frowned, mentally beating up her parents. "You don't have to be your brother! Why can't they get that through their heads!" And the reason why was absolutely sickening. "You got into one of the best business schools in Chon'sin on your own merit! How is that not good enough for them?"

"I wish to go into international relations. To my parents, that means not working for the company..." she sighed. "...That also means-"

"Don't even say it," I interrupted her, not wanting more fuel for the fire. "They can't actually make you marry someone against your will, right?"

She took a shaky breath, chair creaking on the other line. "Legally, no. I have my rights and free will; however, that won't stop them from disinheriting me."

"Well, that's bullshit." Seriously. I've half a mind to fly over to Chon'sin and kick her parents' asses. "You still haven't told them about Iya'su?"

A few months ago, Say'ri revealed to me that she was dating a med student named Iya'su. At first, I believed she was set-up with him by her parents, but later learned they were together by their own will. She explained that it would be some time until she introduces him to her family since he came from a middle-class family. What a horror; hopefully things will be better for them once they graduate.

"No...unfortunately not."

"How is he, by the way?"

"Good! Very good." I could hear her smile. "Yen'fey actually took us both to dinner the other night, and it went better than I could have hoped."

Grinning, I replied, "Well, I'm glad one family member doesn't have a stick up their ass." 

I always imagined Yen'fey would be a lot like his parents: judgmental, crude, horrible, a stain on humanity. However, he was actually very kind towards Say'ri. Apparently, after Say'ri's return from Archenea, the two grew even closer.

"Ah, look at the time..." she yawned. "I am afraid I must go -- I have classes in the morning."

I nodded, glancing at the clock. "Right. Well, I'll talk to you later?"

"Of course! Goodbye!"

"Bye." I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Poor Say'ri... I really hope things get better for her. Maybe she can move to Archenea with Iya'su once they graduate? She can escape her parents that way, but I don't know how good Iya'su is at Archenean. Well, I guess that's up to them to decide. Until then, I'll just silently curse her parents.

Here's some Say'ri for ya. Some of you may recognize the name Iya'su, if you read my March Prompts of 2018. He's basically a wholesome apothecary who is wholesome. We need some wholesomeness in our lives. I'm sure Iya'su will also tell you to wash your hands and stay inside. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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