Chapter 6: No More Waiting

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I never cared for football (nor did I know what was happening) but something about sitting in the stands while the game went on filled me with joy. My friends and I would chat about whatever was on our minds, goof off, or mess around with makeup. Plus, making faces at Chrom - who had to sit a few rows away from us - was endlessly entertaining.

However, the homecoming game always had a different energy. The competitive air was through the roof, student section rowdier, and the marching band excited to perform the improved show. I normally didn't let this energy change me too much, but I now had something else to be excited for...

Let's just say that whenever I looked at Chrom, my face would flush and heart danced.

"You excited for the dance?" Olivia asked me, a wide smile on her face.

"I'm honestly pretty nervous." I smiled back, squeezing my gloved hands tighter to reactivate my hand-warmers. These things either work great or are terrible. Looks like I got the latter.

My pink-haired friend wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "What's there to be nervous about? You're going with Chrom, for crying out loud!"

"That's exactly why I'm nervous!" I laughed.

She smirked, poking my side. "Because you loooooooove-"

"Shut!" I covered her mouth, careful not to smudge her perfectly done makeup. "We're going as friends! know."

She removed my hand, giving me a look. "No, I don't," she sighed. "As far as I'm concerned, you two are a couple of dorks who really like each other but are too afraid to admit it."

"...That's because that's exactly what it is?"

"Anna," Oliva placed her hands on my shoulders, "what is keeping you from telling him? You and I both know you have figured your feelings out and so has Chrom."

My whole body felt like it was on fire, a dull ache in my chest. "The timing still isn't right. I'm yet to see a sign that tells me to-"

"Screw the sign!" Oliva groaned. "For the love of the gods, girl, pull it together! Your rational is BS and you know it!"

I do. I do. I really do. But I'm still scared! I can't tell him, yet! "Olivia, it's not that easy to-"

She gripped my shoulders tighter, gaze bearing into my soul. "It really is, you're just making it difficult."

Why do I have to make it so hard for both of us? Why?

"You have to listen to that heart of yours."

I love him.

"Forget about the timing and forget about that stupid sign!"

I'm truly, deeply in love with him.

"Do what you think is right."

I've never loved someone more than I love him.

Oliva eased her grip, hard stare turning into a soft smile. "Now, what are you thinking?"

My heart was about to jump out of my chest. " him..."

Joy was practically radiating off of my friend. "What was that?"

"" Say it say it say it.

"One more time?"

I looked down the stands, catching the eye of the one who holds my heart. He flashed me a smile, waving curtly.

Fire Emblem: High School Years (High School AU) - Junior YearWhere stories live. Discover now