Chapter 35: News

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"Why do you think our moms want to have a meeting with us?" Gaius asked, leaning further into the couch.

I shrugged, throwing a pillow at him. "Beats me. Given my life, it better not be about my dad."

"Well, I certainly hope it's not about mine! I don't do ghosts!"

Man, our lives are strange.

As if on cue, our moms came into the living room, hands entwined - Gaius sat up, but only a bit. "Kids, I know it's a bit strange, us calling you down like this, but we have something to tell you," Karina said as she and my mom sat down on the couch across from us.

Gaius leaned against my side. "You don't think they broke up, did they?" he whispered, hand covering his mouth.

I shoved him away. Hard.

Mom chuckled at that. "I'm glad to see you are fitting into your new roles so well." 

We exchanged a look. New roles?

Karina gripped my mom's hand tighter, drawing in a deep breath. "And, well, you two will have to fit into a new place pretty soon."

This better not be another college talk, I swear to the gods. If I have to think about-

"Because we're moving."

My entire body froze, mind going blank. "Wha-what?!" But I've become so attached to this place! Why the hell are we moving!

Gaius was in no better state; if anything, he was worse. His nails were biting into the pillow I threw at him, eyes wide with fear. "Momster...don't tell me we're getting evicted again."

Karina shook her head. "No, quite the opposite." She turned in smiled at my mom. "We are all moving because...well, we're going to need a bigger space to fit all four of us."

My heart picked up in speed, nerves suddenly feeling light. "You don't mean..."

"Karina and I have decided that we should move in together." Mom's smile was wider than it's ever been.

"I-I don't understand! Why is this so sudden?!" Gaius laughed, running a hand through his ginger hair. 

Karina rolled her eyes. "Well, it would be weird for us to be married but live in separate homes."

I slapped a hand over my mouth, tears welling up in my eyes. "Married-"

"I'M GOING TO HAVE A SISTER!!!" Gaius tackled me in a hug, squeezing as if his life depended on it.

I fought for air, the task more difficult as laughter robbed my voice. "G-Gaius! Get off!" 

"Nope! Too happy!" I could hear the smile in the boy's voice as he somehow hugged me tighter.

I can't believe this! I can't fucking believe this! I'm finally going to have a full family...finally... Although, I could do without the clingy brother.

...Who am I kidding: the clingy brother is essential!

YAAAAAY THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED AND GETTING THE FAMILY THEY DESERVE!!!!! I really do love the idea of Anna and Gaius being siblings, not gonna lie. It fits quite well. Also, uh, I guess I'm officially a senior in high school, now? Screech? Yeah I'm terrified. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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