Chapter 27: Uncle

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Chrom and I were hanging out in my room when it happened.

The only warning we got was my mom saying "Don't go in there!" before he stepped into my room. Standing in the doorframe was a tall, fit, sandy-brown-haired man with grey eyes that were trained on Chrom; he looked like he was about to kill someone.

Chrom gave me a panicked took, silently asking who was in my room. I gulped, taking his hand and sitting between the man and him. "Hello, Uncle Blaise."

"Anna dear...who is that?" My uncle growled at Chrom.

I squeezed his hand. "This is Chrom. My boyfriend who will never hurt a hair on my head or mess with my emotions."

"Doesn't explain why he's in your room."

Chrom looked like he was about to catch on fire. "I, uh, should I go?"

That somehow made my uncle ever madder. "What, you want to abandon my niece or something?"

"Brother!" Mom finally intervened, pulling Blaise away from us. "Leave him alone! You're intimidating him!" 

I sighed, giving Chrom's hand one more squeeze. "Chrom, stay right here. Mom, Uncle, let's go talk about this somewhere else."

My uncle was about to protest, but Mom quickly agreed and dragged him off. 

I turned to Chrom, laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry about that."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it," he chuckled. "I'm going to take a wild guess that he's pretty protective of you."

I nodded. "Yeah...after what happened with Validar and the bullying in middle school, he's been very protective of Mom and I," I explained. "I mean, he was always like that, but now to a higher level."

"I guess I understand that..." he sighed. "Still, I would prefer if he didn't want to kill me."

"I'll take care of it, don't worry." I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "He's my overprotective father-figure, so what can you expect?"

"I'm sure my dad will be the same when Lissa starts dating."

I laughed, nudging his arm to make him put it around me. "He will." I thought back to when Chrom came over last week, madder than a bull because of Lissa's cheer clinic. "How is she, by the way?"

My boyfriend tensed, eyes narrowing. "She's still upset. I mean, I can't really blame her: she's been looking forward to this her whole life and now it's crashing before her."

"Poor thing..." I shook my head. "Well, I hope it all works out." I got up, dreading the impending conversation. "Into the belly of the beast."

He pulled me close to peck my lips. "Good luck. And come back in one piece."

"No promises."

And time to meet a new character! Blaise is a character I've been wanting to write for a while so it'll be fun to see how this plays out. He's a character I wanted to include in my main Awakening stories but I never really got the chance. Maybe I will one day, but who knows. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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