Chapter 21: Valentine

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For the first time in my life, I was truly at peace.

Bellies full and bodies warm, Anna and I curled up on the couch, hardly an inch of space between us. Her breathing was soft in my ear -- a lullaby to calm my nerves in this cruel, busy world. I held her tight against my chest, angling her head to better listen to my heartbeat. The blanket surrounding us fended us off from any cold threatening to invade our warm pocket.

Dirty plates sat in front of us on the table, but those could be taken care of later. The movie we were watching was nothing but background noise as we were too wrapped up with each other to focus on anything else. Her hair was so unbelievably soft beneath my chin and I couldn't help but nuzzle into it; she smelled of mint and citrus.

If I moved (which I wouldn't dare do) I bet that I would see her eyes closed, or at least hazily focused on the screen. If she was asleep, I could care less. As long as we were close and together, everything was perfect. And, honestly, I would prefer it if she slept -- the rest she's been able to get these past few days were close to none. 

She was here, she was safe.

Two years ago, if someone were to tell me this feral little demon queen was to become my girlfriend, I would laugh in their face. 

And then probably run away because once again, feral little demon queen.

But she was my feral little demon queen, so there.

I trailed kisses along her scalp, refusing to stay separated from her for over a minute. She is my everything...

My thoughts have been filled with nothing but worry these past few months. Our senior schedules were due very soon, my eighteenth birthday was on the horizon, the end of our junior year... The future was foggy. Very, very foggy. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life or where I wanted to go. Pretty soon, I would have to start applying for colleges; and on that note, I should start looking for a part-time job. I had no idea what I wanted to major in or what kind of job I was interested in. Why did the world put so much pressure on us to figure out what we wanted to do with our lives? We were only teenagers!

In spite of all of this, there was one thing I knew would be a part of my future: Anna. 

The one I loved most, the one I cherished in my heart. 

No matter what happened, she would be a constant. It might have been wishful thinking, to literally anyone else, but hey: You either break up with or marry the person you're currently dating, and I'd like to think our relationship was strong. Not that marriage would come anytime soon. Gods, no. 

But when that day came, we would face it together - like everything else we did.

My heart. My love. My Anna...

I'm so, so sorry I didn't update last week. I'm also so sorry that I didn't really update you guys on my absence. I honestly thought I did, but turns out I didn't actually post the update. I'm super super sorry. My original plan was to double update this week, but I unfortunately got really sick and ended up getting worse throughout the week, so I didn't really have the time or energy to write a whole lot. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to catch up because of how busy I am. Once again, I'm so so so so so very sorry. I'll try to get better, I promise. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more. ❤

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