Chapter 16: Updates

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"I hate this place."

"I know, babe."

"I want to leave."

"I know."

"Get me out of here."

"Hey, at least we're half-way through the day!" Olivia offered, patting my back. It was the first day of school since break and I already wanted to go home and never return. I mean, yeah, it was nice to see my friends again, but there was also the school aspect you had to get over. I just hoped this lunch period passed quickly so the rest of the day would follow suit.

I looked up and glared at my best friend. "Still doesn't make it any better..."

Chrom placed a hand on my head and gently rubbed circles into it. "It'll be over before you know it." He kissed my hair. "Just you wait."

I smiled up at him, sitting up. "Fine."

"Grooooooooss," Gaius groaned.

I locked eyes with him, refusing to back down. You want to play this game, little man? He raised an eyebrow in challenge, his pale-green eyes narrowing. Nothing but silence and tension passed between us.

"Oh, gods, you've really done it," Stahl sighed.

I turned to Chrom, cupping his face in both of my hands and meeting his gaze instead. I leaned forward and met him for a kiss, drawing it on longer than a brief peck should have taken. "This gross enough for ya?" I muttered against my boyfriend's lips, casting a sly glance towards Gaius.

Cordelia turned red, averting her gaze. "A-aren't there rules against PDA?"

"Dunno, don't care." Chrom pulled away briefly to respond but went back to it immediately. I was happy for his willingness to comply; however, the feel of his lips against mine was heavenly. We just recently made kissing a normal thing in our relationship and by the gods was it fantastic.

"Okay, okay! Uncle! You win!" Gaius gagged. Checkmate, asshole. There was something about the prospect of being sort-of-siblings that added an extra edge to our competition. 

"No, it was cute: keep going," Olivia gushed.

I playfully slapped her hand. "Gross, Livi," I giggled, knowing she was just excited that I was being shown affection.

"You two didn't have to do that for so long, you know." Gaius rolled his eyes, taking half a cake out of his lunch bag. I wonder how much of Karina's expenses are spent on sweets...

Chrom wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "If you being annoying means I get to kiss my girlfriend more, then by all means." He smirked.

My ginger-haired friend crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "Hey, that's my future-sister, Blue." He cocked his head. "I'd be careful of what you say before I start getting all defensive."

"Gaius, I'm sure-" Stahl began to speak, but the weight of Gaius's words finally hit the group. I small sense of amusement filled me as we beheld the bewilderment of our friend. "...Did you just say future-sister...?"

Might as well play along with this dingus. "Pretty bold words, my friend. Our parents are simply dating, not married."

"Ah, but you've seen the way they look at each other. I wouldn't be surprised if we will be calling each other brother and sister by the end of the year."

Chrom blanched. "W-wait a minute! Are you telling me that your moms are dating each other?!"

Did I forget to tell him? Huh. Well, I spent the rest of my break taking depression naps so I guess I didn't really have the time to tell him.

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying," Gaius sighed, turning to me. "Not the brightest tool in the shed, is he?"

That's...the incorrect expression, but whatever. "Eh, he makes up for it in good looks."

"Now hold just a moment!" Cordelia exclaimed. " two...your moms..."

"Are together." I finished for her. "I know, it's kinda weird, but it's the truth."

Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. "That'" she muttered. "That's...amazing! I'm really happy for you two!"

I smiled at her, escaping Chrom's embrace and moving towards the pink-haired girl. "Thanks, Livi."

"! That's...really weird," Chrom chuckled. "Sorry, I guess the bulk of us don't really know how to respond to any of this. We're glad for you; really, we are! It's just-"

"The fact that it's kinda realistic that we'll be siblings?" Gaius - just like me - finished for him. "Yeah, it's a strange thought. I've had a hard time wrapping my head around it, too, but honestly...I couldn't ask for a better possible-future-sister; I'm glad it's Anna."

A warm feeling settled within my chest. "And I'm glad it's you too, Gaius." I grinned. "And with our combined chaotic energy, we'll be able to take down the entire planet."

"Hate to break the sentimental moment - but seriously, this is adorable," Cordelia cleared her throat, "but I'm pretty sure the only reason Gaius is excited about this is that Anna bakes religiously."

I turned to him, eyebrow raised.

He laughed nervously. "...That's one part of it, yeah."

I shrugged. "Sounds about right."

"I mean, I would be excited too if I had a constant source for my favorite food!" Stahl licked his lips, daydreaming about second lunch. How that boy never gained any extra weight, I would never know. "But anyway, I'm super happy for you two!"

"Thanks, Snacks."

Chrom pulled me to him once more, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "Looks like your family's going to get bigger, darling."

The word family stirred some new emotions within me. I'd never really known a family. It was always just Mom and me, and occasionally my uncle, but that was it. Now, I had Mom, Uncle Blaise and his family, Chrom's whole family (who may even become my official family one day, if things went well) and now Karina and Gaius.

" really is."

"...Gaius better not be a constant third-wheel whenever we hang out at your place, though."

"Noted. I'll make sure he's locked outside."

The Squad now knows. Whoosh. I can't remember if I explained what happened to Gaius's dad or not. XD Maybe I'll explain it in a later chapter or somewhere else entirely. Oh, yeah, I have a list of nicknames Gaius has for everyone. I had to come up with some on my own, obviously, and if you guys ever want to see it, let me know. Btw, Anna and I spent our breaks in a very similar fashion. Hurray for the Depression Nap™   Except I played a lot of Three Houses on top of it. XD Anyway, I hope you guys had a wonderful New Year and that you're looking forward to what the future holds. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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