Chapter 31: You Can Do This

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I watched as my boyfriend paced around the room, footsteps dull against the concrete floors. Beneath his breath were hushed murmurs of his speech, said in varying speeds and tones; when he decided he didn't like his current rhythm, he would curse, apologize to no one, shake it out, and restart. His blue hair was brushed back, cleaner than his normal messy mop. Although it was normal for him to dress in formal clothes, his current getup made him look extra handsome. That navy blue blazer made him look like a tiny businessman and I loved it.

No. He's in distress. Now is not the time (even though he's an absolute snack).

I stood up from my seat and crossed over to him, standing in his current line of pacing. He didn't even look up before he bumped into me, immediately startling and looking down. "Oh! Didn't see you there! Do we have to go?" His eyes began to shift - his foot was also tapping a hole into the floor.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, making him face me. "You still have ten minutes, dummy." I kissed the corner of his mouth. "You'll do great out there. I promise."

One of the benefits of your father being the principal is that Chrom had access to a spare office so he could have his mini-mental breakdown before making his final speech to the entire school. Chrom's campaign for president had gone smoothly, containing minor hiccups. He made it to the final round of voting, and all he had to do was make a speech and be done with it. The stress, the campaigning, all of it would be done after he walks off the stage. 

Chrom bit his lip, hands landing on my waist to have something to hold. "I don't know why I'm so nervous! I can do this speech in my sleep!" he worried. "Except now I'm terrified that I'm going to throw up the second I get on stage! What's wrong with me?!"

Oh, my beloved extrovert boyfriend...welcome to my actual hell. "It's normal to be nervous before a thing like this." I reached up to fix his hair. "But you're fantastic at public speaking and I have no doubts in my mind that you'll sway the entire student body to your side."

"You're just saying that cuz you love me."

"I do love you," I grinned, "but bias aside, they'd be stupid not to pick you."

He pulled me close, burying his face into my hair. "Think I'll do a good job as president?"

"I don't think so," I hummed. "I know so."

A gentle knock sounded at the door before Cordelia's head popped in. "They're about to start. You better get out there."

I turned to him, cupping his face in my palm. "Go get 'em, tiger."

He chuckled. "Thank you, Anna. I never could have gotten through this without you."

"Hey, his he ready?" Stahl stumbled into the room, not-so-subtly knocking into Cordelia. "Whoops! Sorry, Cordie! Er, I mean Cordelia!"

The red-head blushed, averting her gaze. "I-it's alright!"

Cordelia may be an incredibly clever woman but she was bullshitting no one: she and Stahl have been dating for weeks and thought no one knew. Stahl was a bit more obvious about it (meaning he accidentally told Chrom). Plus, Sumia was as good as keeping a secret as Frederick is at not ordering chicken tenders at an unfamiliar restaurant.

Chrom laughed at their exchange. "Okay. I'm ready. Time to head into the belly of the beast."

And he's going to do a damn good job at it.

Election time baby. I re-watched season 4 of Parks & Rec in preparation. XD yeah I have no idea how school elections work. Wheeee. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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