Chapter 7: Aftermath

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Rain pitter-pattered on the glass window, soft thunder rolling through the atmosphere. My room was silent, save for soft breaths and the light tapping of a keyboard. Despite the dreary weather, a strong sense of warmth settled throughout me, ease making its way through my bones. This is what true peace feels like...

"You know, I've always loved the rain." A voice spoke beside me.

I pulled myself from my trance, turning to my companion. "Why? Rainy days are pretty depressing, in my opinion."

Anna shrugged, pushing her laptop away and leaning back on my couch. "Dunno. I seem to be in better moods when it's raining, so I associate those feelings with crummy weather," she said. "I've already decided that I want it to rain on my wedding day, despite that dumb stigma."

I quirked an eyebrow at her. "Really? You're already deciding the weather of our wedding?"

She shot me an amused glare. "Why does it matter to you, hmm?"

I sighed, setting my notebook aside and wrapping an arm around her. "Well, I am your boyfriend, so it kinda does matter."

Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend, and she's my girlfriend. Those are our titles. I can't believe those are our titles!

A week has passed since the best night of my life. After our adrenaline fueled confessions, hurried first-kiss, and show that seemed to go on forever, we finally had a moment to ourselves to discuss things. At first, we didn't know what we were doing or what we really were; to be completely honest, our brains weren't even working properly. However, after a lot of talking (and holding each other as if we would disappear) we decided that we were now officially dating.

It's funny how such a simple word could change a relationship forever.

The very next day was homecoming - absolutely perfect timing, if you asked me. It was then and there when we announced our relationship, much to the delight of our friends. It wasn't until later when I found there was an intricate system of bets running within our entourage regarding our relationship. Should I have complained? Yes. Did I? No.

I was too busy admiring my girlfriend to focus on anything else.

Now, one week later, the newfound puppy-love we shared refused to cease. Even when we had to work on an English project together!

Anna hummed, hand reaching up to entwine with the one on her shoulder. "I'm still not used to that. I'm still in shock when I wake up and remember that we're dating."

"It's certainly different, that's for sure," I chuckled.

She looked up at me, sapphire blue eyes twinkling. "A good different?"

"A very good different." I pressed a kiss to her forehead, making her giggle. We haven't truly kissed since our first kiss that night, sticking with gentle forehead or cheek kisses instead. It wasn't like we were repulsed by it or anything, we just decided to hold off on doing it until we were more comfortable. Something told me I wouldn't have to wait long, though.

She closed her eyes, breath tickling my shoulder. "I... I'm happy. Really, really happy." She smiled. "I can't remember a time when I felt this weightless; when I felt so alive and safe."

I bet...her father really did a number on her when it came to accepting love. Well, it wasn't just him. The amount of bullying and abuse she had to endure from those around her...gods, I don't even want to imagine it.

"I'm right here for you, babe. I always will be." I hugged her close, tucking her head under my chin.

Now would be the time where she would rebuff that statement, offering her unyielding support to me, but she allowed herself to be vulnerable. "Thank you... I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend/best friend."

"And the same goes for me."

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" Mom called from downstairs.

Anna sat up, blush coloring her cheeks. It amazed me how such a strong girl could get so easily flustered. I will absolutely take this to my advantage. "W-we should head down!" She turned towards her laptop. "Jeez...we spent too much time being sappy. We still have a project to finish!"

"We'll get to that problem when we get to it," I chuckled. "Now, c'mon. Let's not keep them waiting!"

I took her hand - it took us a few moments to untangle and align our fingers - and lead her outside.

A few things. Number one, yes: I absolutely hate the sun and ADORE cruddy weather. I realized that the reason I've been so unmotivated is because its been nothing but sunny the past few months. Once I get a cloudy/rainy day, I'm ready to go. Also, I absolutely want it to rain on my wedding day. Beanie, if you're reading this, I won't budge. It will rain or I will cry. Number two: the awkward first handholding experiences are insane. Many writers forget that it takes a while for a couple to get used to holding hands before they can immediately know where to go (basically, you can't just easily slip your hands together and it's immediately perfect). Alright, I have to go sell mattresses now. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: "Don't Mine at Night" - Brad Knauber

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