Chapter 5: Courage

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"Have you asked her, yet?" Frederick asked.

I sighed, adjusting my phone between my shoulder and ear. "N-no, I don't think I should go through with it. Things are awkward enough between us."

A couple of weeks ago, I had the grand idea of asking Anna to homecoming. I haven't gone through with it, obviously, but ever since I voiced the thought to Frederick, he's been up my case. He doesn't show it, but he's a hopeless romantic at heart. Part of me thinks that it's Sumia's doing, but the other says he was always like that.

Despite that, he was the only person I could talk to about this. There is only one person in this world that knows the details of Anna and mine's "relationship" and that's Frederick. He offers advice whenever I ask for it, which was greatly appreciated, but he could be a bit...intense, at times.

"Time is running out, Chrom. The dance is in a little less than a week," he reminded me. "If you would like to ask her, now is the time to do it."

I rubbed my face with my free hand, writing down math equations with the other. "I know, I know... I'm just afraid that she'll reject me, or she'll take it as me asking for a romantic relationship. I don't want to overwhelm her." I tapped my pen on my desk. "That hypothetical sign has yet to show itself..."

Frederick groaned on the other line. "I've heard you speak of that 'sign' over and over, and it's about time you abandon that belief," he dictated. "If you two wait around for a sign, you'll wait forever. Sure, taking time to figure out oneself before committing to another person is all right, but relying on an outside source to push you forward is ridiculous."

"What other choice do I have! She wants to wait for one, so what's stopping me from telling her, hmm?"

"You love her."

That came out of the blue. My face heated, head dipping to hide from an imaginary audience. "I-I do, but-"

"She loves you."

My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to jump from its cage any second. "I wouldn't say that she-"

"It's painfully obvious. Everyone knows how much you love each other," he huffed. "Well, everyone except you two."

I sat there, saying nothing. Every nerve in my body was numb, mind blank. "...Do you think I should tell her?"

"I think you should do what your heart tells you." I could hear the smile on my friend's face. 

What is my heart telling me? My brain is telling me one thing, but my heart another. I can't decide what I want to do. However, Frederick's right: I can't keep up with this waiting game. It's driving me insane! 

I love her!

...I know what to do.

"... Are the girls still working at the school?" I asked, voice meek.

After asking me to wait for a moment, tapping sounded on the other line. Within a few seconds, I could hear Frederick get a notification. "They just finished. If you're going to do what I think you are, I say go now."

My racing heart warmed, a smile creeping up my face. "Got it. Thank you so much, Frederick. You've been a great help through all of this."

"It is not a problem, Chrom. Now, go. Your destiny awaits."

If Anna is my destiny, then I'm a lucky man.


I've never driven faster (within the speed limit) before in my life. My parking job was sloppy, car placed awkwardly in Anna's driveway - it was honestly the least of my worries. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I hopped out of the vehicle and made my way to the door.

My best friend was already stepping outside before I could knock. "Chrom? What are you doing here? Is everything all right?" Her hair was messy, clothes covered in paint. She was still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I stood before her, fighting to find my words. I'm doing this. This is actually happening. What the hell am I thinking? "I-I..."

Her face twisted into a look of concern. "Y-you look really flushed, are you sick? Do you need me to get you some medicine?"

I shook my head, my entire body heating. "No, I'm fine. I promise," I panted. "I-I just... I need..."

She took my hand. "You're not fine! You're clearly sick with something!" she exclaimed, a laugh lacing her voice. "Why did you drive all the way to my house? Were you coming home from something? Should I call your parents? Do you need me to-"

"Will you go to homecoming with me?"

And there it is.

Anna stared at me, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "Will I...what?"

I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding, composure finally finding me. "Will you go to homecoming with me?" I repeated.

"C-Chrom..." She shook her head. "I still don't think the time is right! You realize what you're asking, right?"

I took both of her hands in mine, keeping our eyes locked. "I do, and that's why I'm asking it." I smiled. "It doesn't have to be romantic, I promise. If you want to go just as friends, I'm totally fine with that. So, what do you say?"

Her gaze shifted to the side, cheeks bright red. "I just don't know... Th-the timing-"

"Forget about the timing." I brushed a strand of her messy hair behind her ear. "Forget about that sign, only for a moment. Peel back those thoughts for a quick second and follow what your heart wants."

She didn't say anything for a good, long while. Panic seized my soul, mind wandering to the worst. Oh, gods. What if she rejects me? We'll never be able to return to normal after that! Great thinking, Chrom! This was one of your best ideas, yet! I may as well just-

"Just as friends, right?"

My heart stopped, consciousness focusing back on the world. "Of course! If that's what makes you comfortable."

She fought back a laugh as she smiled up at me, squeezing my hands. "Then I would love to go with you."

I didn't have the same self-control as her. "R-really?! You will?" A mirthful laugh filled the area as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Thank you, Anna! Thank you! You won't regret it!"

"S-slow down! We're just going as friends!" Laughter laced her voice in spite of her words.

"Of, er, right. Sorry." I released her, still keeping her in arms reach. "Friends. That's what we are."

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a dork."

"Ah, but you love that about me."

"...Yeah, I do." Her face flushed even more as she said that.

We stood there for a few minutes, waiting for someone to say something. I guess we really are that awkward. Well, I wouldn't have it any other way. "I, um, I should go. I got some planning to do after all," I chuckled.

Anna nodded, eyes lighting up. "Yeah, you should." She smiled at me. "I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, see ya!"

I can't believe I just did that. I freaking did it! We're going to homecoming together! I can't believe it! I'm one step closer to gaining the confidence to tell her my true feelings!

SO THINGS ARE HAPPENING. A LOT OF THINGS ARE HAPPENING. AHHHHH. Can confirm that asking someone to homecoming is a nerve wracking experience (even though we were already dating XD) but my method of asking was for less dramatic than Chrom's. Yeah, that's all I got. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

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