Chapter 9: Get Your Game in the Head

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I hugged my girlfriend as tightly as I could, trying to shield her from the intense chill. We watched on as another band took the field, performing their show for all to see. A gust of wind blew by, numbing every nerve in my body and making Anna shiver even more.

"I-I want this to be over! I'm freezing to death!" she said through chattering teeth. I wasn't doing as bad as her, as my natural body heat with on the higher side and was able to layer clothes beneath my uniform. Anna, however, was unable to do so.

Lucky for her, she had an overly affectionate boyfriend to fix that.

I gently swayed her to the beat of the music in an attempt to distract her. "Don't worry, babe. Halftime will be over soon. After that, we can go get some hot chocolate and curl up in the bleachers."

"Only until the end of the third quarter, that is," Olivia cut in. "After you have to leave, Anna's my cuddle buddy."

Anna looked on affectionately to her friend. "Thanks, Livi. Chom's cuddles are almost half as good as yours."

"Now wait a moment-"

I was interrupted by applause. The band just finished their set and halftime was finally over. It wasn't like I hated watching other bands - quite the contrary, really - but it was deathly cold right now and I needed to sit down.

Ylisse High wasn't fairing too well against our rival school: Nohr Academy. We normally beat them, but our star player, Frederick, was currently out due to a sprained ankle. It was driving him crazy, I could tell, as he never stood out due to injuries. I knew my friend had a high pain tolerance, but if he was out, it must be serious. He couldn't afford worsening his condition, as he was already receiving full-ride football scholarships to colleges.

The fact that Frederick was applying for college was still weird to me.

It was unfortunate that he had to sit out, too, since this was Freddy's last chance to face off with his "arch rival" Xander. I've actually met him a handful of times, being that he was Elise's oldest brother. He was an interesting character, that's for sure.

I pressed a kiss to Anna's cheek. "Ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded, taking one of my hands but refusing to leave my arms. "Yeah, I just need to put my flag away and I'll be good to go."

"I can take care of it, don't worry," Olivia offered, taking the flag from Anna. "You two might want to cool it with the PDA, though. These eighth graders are an impressionable bunch."

I rolled my eyes. "Ah, yes, there's nothing more scarring than basic human affection." As I said that, my gaze went to a couple eighth grade girls who were pointing to us and giggling.

Should've kept my mouth shut. ...That won't stop me, though.

Every year, the marching band hosted an eighth grade band night to help convince the incoming freshmen to join. Due to special events and weather issues, we couldn't have it until the very last moment. I've actually spoken to a few of them and they seemed pretty cool; totally dorky, but cool.

I led Anna away from all the chaos, keeping her close. "How do you feel?"

She cracked open an eye at me, lazily leaning on my shoulder. "Hmm? What do you mean?" she asked.

"This may be our last performance... The fact hasn't really settled in, yet."

She shrugged. "I'm pretty indifferent, honestly. I mostly just want a break," she sighed. "I-I also want time to actually go out with you. This stupid busy schedule has kept us from doing normal couple stuff."

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