Chapter 15: "Happy" Holidays

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I sighed, leaning back on the couch and rubbing my abused ears. A tradition my family had for Yulemas was to sit and chill in the living room while Mom played the piano. It was as relaxed affair as we talked and drank hot cocoa or cider, listening to the soft tunes of holiday songs. This year, Lissa decided she wanted to do the playing.

The only problem with that was her playing skills were worse than a toddler with a toy piano.

I texted a play-by-play to Anna, her reactions a mix between horror and telling me to be nice.

Dad cringed as she played yet another botched rendition of Silent Night...or was it Comfort and Joy? Honestly, who could really tell at this point? "Lissa, darling, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but maybe you should let your mother handle the music?"

Mom chewed on her bottom lip, hesitantly nodding. "I agree with your father, dear...maybe next year!"

My younger sister pouted. "I got this! Just give me a few more minutes!"

That's the third time she's said that within an hour.

"Well, at least she's excited about it," Emm giggled, flashing an amused look to Phila. Her girlfriend rolled her eyes, wrapping her arm tighter around her waist.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and stood up, walking over to the piano. "Liss, this concert is over. Cover the keys and throw in the towel." Please, for the love of Naga. For the sake of mine and everyone else's ears.

"I'd like to see you try!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

Fair point. I sat at the bench, making my sister scootch aside. I cracked my knuckles and pressed the keys, playing a few basic chords.

Lissa gave me the blankest of stares. "...How?"

I slowly played the simplest rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ever. "I took a music theory class and my girlfriend is a pianist; I've picked up a few things."

Lissa raised an eyebrow. "I thought she played guitar?"

"She does, but only in private."

"Wait, I thought she said she plays violin?" Emm spoke.

Since when? "I'm...not sure about that one." I had no memories of her ever playing or telling me she played the violin. I was sure she didn't, but seeing as that she took a bunch of classes as a young child, I wouldn't be surprised if the violin was in there.

I quickly texted her: Hey, do you know how to play the violin? And then put my phone away, knowing it would take her a few minutes to respond. I hope she's having fun with her family and this boy. I'm really curious as to who it is, I might know him.

"That girl sure has a bunch of talents up her sleeve," Mom said. "They'll certainly help her in the future."

"Speaking of future, Emmeryn, have you decided what you're going to do after you graduate?" Dad asked, turning to my elder sister.

Emm and Phila shared a look, gently smiling. "Well... I have some pretty big news, actually," she began. "Since I need to begin student teaching soon, I've began sending in applications to whatever schools I could. I just found out that I'll be assisting Mrs. Hawthorn's class next year."

My eyes went wide. "But that's-"

"Your Honors English 11 teacher, I know." She winked. "Looks like you'll be seeing more of me!"

Dad chuckled, smiling widely. "So that's what the superintendent wanted to speak with me about..." he sighed. "I'm guessing you went over my head to do this in order to surprise us?"

"Yep!" Emm grinned. "We can go into the more logistical stuff later; the superintendent had to clear a few things with my upcoming position since I have family in the school, but since you're not directly appointing me, there aren't any issues."

"And I'm getting my pilot's license from Pegasus University, so we decided to get an apartment nearby," Phila added. Oh yeah, I forgot Ylisse is pretty big on flight schools and the like. "You'll be seeing more of us, it seems."

Lissa launched herself off the bench and tackled Emm, hugging her tightly. "I can't believe this!!! Emm's gonna work at the school! All three of us will be together again!!!"

As I was about to say something, my phone vibrated. I quickly peeked at it and saw a response from my girlfriend: Yeah. I took a few lessons as a kid and played in my middle school's orchestra, but I haven't really played in years. I'm pretty good at it, but not Maribelle level good. I put all of my instrumental focus on piano, anyway.

Huh. Well, that answers that question.

"Come to think of it, Chrom, shouldn't you be registering for your senior classes soon?" Emm asked, all attention suddenly turned on me.



I swallowed thickly. "I-I, um, w-well..."

"They really do grow up fast!" Dad barked. "It seems like just yesterday when you were registering as a freshman! Now, you're going to be a senior!"

Yeah. I kinda hate that.

I've been through nearly three years of high school and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Nearly every single one of my friends had their own niche, an idea of what they wanted to do. Me? Well, I had absolutely no ideas.

"Hey! I'm important, too!" Lissa playfully complained. "I already know what I'm going to take! I want to take the baking class, I wanna do Textiles, I'm going to take Honors English..."

My sister drawn on for what felt like hours and I heard none of it. I'm really growing up. This is a thing that's happening.

Oh, gods... I'm turning eighteen next year.

I'm not ready to be an adult. I can't do it.

Naga, please, send me some kind of sign...

Alternative title: Chrom still has anxiety. Also, Emm is returning! I totally BSed that reasoning btw. Sometimes you just gotta realize that this is your own story and thus you make the rules of the world. I usually tend not to do that but hey, despite times come for desperate measures. Sorry y'all. Also, this reflects back on my instrumental experience. I played violin in middle school and was decent at it, and I also play guitar. I don't play piano, though. I always imagined Anna being able to play violin and piano, and in the modern world, she plays guitar in place of violin. I'm that extra. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more! Have a merry Chrysler and happy holidays!

NOTE: I normally take a two week break between now and the new year. That'll continue this year. I will continue posting this on January 12th.

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